Mr. Not that hard, it also is not that hard to look at the dates of these topics you've been responding to as they're mostly over 10 years old with some exceeding 15 years.
That might not be helpful because you're pushing current topics that people could use today's information from in favor of bumping threads where the OP & participants most likely aren't posting anymore. Keeping current threads on the front page is important, maybe even crucial, with the amount of traffic that remains on LVC.
I'm not trying to be a mod or admin, but I suppose it just baffles me why you can't be that attentive yourself. I mean, come on,... Do you really expect anyone in these ancient threads to actually respond back to you?
On topic,....
The for sure way to tell is to look at the 5th character of the VIN.
1LN91V =Base
1LN92V = LSC