How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Going back to the FLINT issue, the Wiki article also mentions some copper water lines were replaced too.

Why??? A little research will show that solder back then... was lead based solder.

Now... If one has copper pipes, the solder is tin based. Screenshot_20231204-145723.png
And the tin solder is more difficult to apply directly.

Anybody can work with lead solder, because it's so soft. But again... not allowed for drinking water applications.
You're so intent on pointing fingers for something that goes WAY (yes, longer than the 1940s) back, it's hilarious. That's not going to fix the problem, what will fix the is Biden's initiative.

Oh, Biden's lead pipe initiative is also addressing the problem with lead paint in older buildings. Another thing for you to get irked over :0
Nope... that's a good thing... but too little, too late. Lead paint was banned in the late 70's.

If a house was discovered that had lead paint... the processing was to not disturb it unless it was flaking off. Then you lay down plastic and lightly scrape off anything loose.

Then you had a special paint that would stick to the lead paint, and paint over the clapboards. When done... the plastic was rolled up and sent to a specified landfill where stuff like lead paint was disposed of.
You have no idea how much lead paint is still around l. Much of it is found 8n industrial applications, and older auto plants.

Again... if it's not peeling... leave it alone. There are a number of 4 or 5 letter governmental agencies that cover all this. OSHA being one of them. I believe NIOSH is another.
You're so intent on pointing fingers for something that goes WAY (yes, longer than the 1940s) back, it's hilarious. That's not going to fix the problem, what will fix the is Biden's initiative.
No... just going back to 2014... which you were ignorant of.

And actually (if you took the time to read) goes back to OBAMA... not Biden.
I hope you enjoyed the video of the Southern California representative.

He made Newsom look like a lying, truth twising idiot, (which he is...).

Are you 2 related???
You're so intent on pointing fingers for something that goes WAY (yes, longer than the 1940s) back,
NOBODY knew in the 1940's... what the long term affects of lead was going to be. Again... same thing with asbestos.

You have no clue how much asbestos still exists.

Even fiberglass insulation has deleterious effects.Screenshot_20231204-155535.png
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First, you don't get to accuse me of things and it's magically true unless I disprove it. Not how debate works in the real world. Sure in your demented Trumper Rightist reality.

Why not? Turn about isn't fair play? That's a double standard.

You keep accusing me of being a "Trumper" when I have not mentioned him... but in fact... have mentioned 2 other possible candidates.

Once again you are a lying "truth twister". I think that's pretty clear to the others reading this forum.
I also called it, I mentioned Biden and lead paint, *bam*, 10+ unhinged posts over Biden. Too funny.
^I like how you call me "ignorant", when you thought lead pipes only showed up in the 40s...
They were "in use" from the 40's onward for a long time afterwards. One of the screenshots I took show they were still in use in 1987.

You do understand "still in use"... right???

But nice try though...

Nice try...
I also called it, I mentioned Biden and lead paint, *bam*, 10+ unhinged posts over Biden. Too funny.
No... like I said (and pointed out to you) about the lead paint issue... is that has been a known issue also, and even what the procedures were to mitigate it.

Nice try again.
Seems you are the one becoming "unhinged" because I have shown you many times... how ignorant you really are.

So did you learn anything from the screenshot I took... that Cali SF residents have had to replace their copper water pipes several times.

Do you know why? I have an idea why.
They were "in use" from the 40's onward for a long time afterwards. One of the screenshots I took show they were still in use in 1987.

You do understand "still in use"... right???

But nice try though...

Nice try...

Not what you said and your silly spin has been denied, as context matters and this statement clearly implies you thought lead pipes only showed up sometime in the 40s: "From the 40s clear up to the 1980s

You do understand what "from the" means, right?

That shows your ignorance. Lead pipes were used for drinking water... From the 40's... Clear up to the 1980's
Seems you are the one with BDS. All you do is talk about him, instead of trying to have a mature dialog.
^I like how you call me "ignorant", when you thought lead pipes only showed up in the 40s...
Thank you for the clarification of lead pipes being used in PA in the 1700's.

Congratulations... you got me. :rolleyes:

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