How do you feel about Biden NOW?

As an addendum... I would not be opposed to having a background check done on everyone as they enter a gun show. No "fancy footwork" needed. Those that are criminals, would not be allowed to enter the facility.

With just your SS card and ID (read drivers license)... a "check" could be done in seconds.

Again... in my line of work that falls under DHS and DISA... all I need is a driver's license and SSC. It takes only a few seconds

But no...... the Left has to go, "full retard".
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What you said = Not reality

Reality: US will require background checks for gun shows and online firearm sales

The sale of firearms on the internet and at gun shows in the US will in future be subject to mandatory background checks, the justice department said on Thursday as it announced a “historic” new action to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals.

The closing of the so-called gun show loophole, which exempts private transactions from restrictions that apply to licensed dealers, has long been a goal of the Biden administration, and is specifically targeted in the rule published in the federal register today.

Wow, what a crazy liberal-socialist-communist idea, making it harder for a criminal and/or lunatic to acquire a gun because a simple background check is now required.
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That's what I have been talking about all this time. Background checks.

You are a dumbass. I've been "background checked" by gun dealers for 20 years.

You act like it's something new. It's not a new reality.

What you have failed to see (or are too stupid) is that there is a secondary motive.

The Govt (Biden admin) is also enacting a secondary measure for private sales.

It is a "tax" applied to the sale of the firearm. So if the original sale of said firearm was $200, and value of said firearm increase to $500 the Govt will tax the SELLER of the firearm, on the profit of the sale... and consider the seller a dealer, even though they are a private individual.

So yes... private sales will get taxed also.

This could get many people in trouble, that don't have a gun dealers license.

It's all explained in the YouTube video above.
The sale of firearms on the internet and at gun shows in the US will in future be subject to mandatory background checks, the justice department said on Thursday as it announced a “historic” new action to keep weapons out of the hands of criminals.

The closing of the so-called gun show loophole, which exempts private transactions from restrictions that apply to licensed dealers, has long been a goal of the Biden administration, and is specifically targeted in the rule published in the federal register today.
Yeah... and this is what I was talking about. The background check... and trying to explain some other things too... that the ATF is doing.

"The path to victory here is clearly maximizing the reach of these left-wing alternatives.

No Republican knows that oil production under Biden is higher than ever. But Jill Stein’s people do. … Stein is furious about the oil drilling.

The college kids are furious about it. The more exposure these [third-party candidates] get, the better it is for us.
" -Steve Bannon - Former White House chief strategist and Trump campaign chairman - Apr 2024

At least this deplorable is honest for once. Why Republicans set up RFK Jr. to run as an Independent in 2024, they know they can't win in a flat 1 vs 1 election, so they're hoping to siphon away Biden votes.
You're just butt hurt over what RFK said and did.
Your reality is not real reality.

Closing the gun show loophole is a good thing as any criminal or lunatic can purchase guns with little more than a smile and a wad of cash, no questions asked and the smile being optional. Only a degenerate would have a problem with this.

People will still be able to buy their precious guns at gun shows when this change happens, they just have to pass a back ground check, same as if they purchased a gun at a gun store.
I can tell you one thing. I was talking to a Union buddy about Biden (and Trump).

While he doesn't like Trump... He called Biden a "child molester"... because of all the videos of Biden sniffing young girls hair.

Don't shoot the messenger...
Your reality is not real reality.

Closing the gun show loophole is a good thing as any criminal or lunatic can purchase guns with little more than a smile and a wad of cash, no questions asked and the smile being optional. Only a degenerate would have a problem with this.

People will still be able to get their precious guns at gun shows when this change happens, they just have to pass a back ground check, same as if they purchased a gun at a gun store.
Agreed!!! So what's your arguing point??? It will be almost the same as going to a "brick and mortar" gun shop.
Agreed!!! So what's your arguing point??? It will be almost the same as going to a "brick and mortar" gun shop.

My point is that Biden closing the gun show loophole is a good thing. Which you freaked out over at first and insulted me, but now are in agreement. Did you not have your juice today?
You are missing the point that the Biden admin wants to do a "tax" on "profits" of gun sales between individuals.

But I already went through that with you, and you didn't seem to understand/comprehend what I was talking about.

Let's pretend I bought a gun a number of years back. Due to whatever unique features the gun had, it made it more valuable (in someone else's eyes).

The gun was then sold for (X) dollars more, to another collector.

Since I made a profit, the new rule would then consider me a "dealer"... and I would have to report that "profit", or be subjected to a penalty.

Hope that clears it up for you.
I can tell you one thing. I was talking to a Union buddy about Biden (and Trump).

While he doesn't like Trump... He called Biden a "child molester"... because of all the videos of Biden sniffing young girls hair.

Don't shoot the messenger...

The reason Trumpers like your buddy call Biden a "child molester" is to deflect away from Trump's ever cascading sh!tshow of issues. It's nothing new.
You are missing the point that the Biden admin wants to do a "tax" on "profits" of gun sales between individuals.

But I already went through that with you, and you didn't seem to understand/comprehend what I was talking about.

Let's pretend I bought a gun a number of years back. Due to whatever unique features the gun had, it made it more valuable (in someone else's eyes).

The gun was then sold for (X) dollars more, to another collector.

Since I made a profit, the new rule would then consider me a "dealer"... and I would have to report that "profit", or be subjected to a penalty.

Hope that clears it up for you.

Sounds like more fake news fear tactics from the Right. How many times over 8 years did I hear "Obama's going to take your guns!" and literally nothing happened. Answer: A whole lot

But I wouldn't agree with a law like that.
The reason Trumpers like your buddy call Biden a "child molester" is to deflect away from Trump's ever cascading sh!tshow of issues. It's nothing new.
And I TOLD YOU HE DOESN'T LIKE TRUMP EITHER. But only in your delusional mind... you would ignore that.

It's nothing new....

He has 3 kids...and I pity anyone who tries to harm them. I am their "Uncle"
(but not their Uncle). Just a close friend of the family.
And I TOLD YOU HE DOESN'T LIKE TRUMP EITHER. But only in your delusional mind... you would ignore that.

It's nothing new....

He has 3 kids...and I pity anyone who tries to harm them. I am their "Uncle"
(but not their Uncle). Just a close friend of the family.
Three question:

Who did he vote for in 2016?
Who did he vote for in 2020?
Who will he for vote for in 2024?
Sounds like more fake news fear tactics from the Right. How many times over 8 years did I hear "Obama's going to take your guns!" and literally nothing happened. Answer: A whole lot

But I wouldn't agree with a law like that.
No... It's supposedly coming from your government. I'm still trying to sort through how that is going to work.

All I am sure of at this point, is the govt wants to control sales.

Tell me if this makes any sense... If a gun is originally bought... and worth $300...then sold for $600 years later, the seller has to report the extra profit made when the gun is sold...otherwise they are considered an illegal dealer.

From what I've been reading... the only businesses exempt from this are auction houses (with an FFL).

No... It's supposedly coming from your government. I'm still trying to sort through how that is going to work.

All I am sure of at this point, is the govt wants to control sales.

Tell me if this makes any sense... If a gun is originally bought... and worth $300...then sold for $600 years later, the seller has to report the extra profit made when the gun is sold...otherwise they are considered an illegal dealer.

From what I've been reading... the only businesses exempt from this are auction houses (with an FFL).

My government? It's our government.

But the key word there is "supposedly", like I said, sounds like more Rightist fake news fear tactics. Unless you have concrete proof?

I already told you I wouldn't agree with a hypothetical law like that.
Closing the gun show loophole is a good thing as any criminal or lunatic can purchase guns with little more than a smile and a wad of cash, no questions asked and the smile being optional. Only a degenerate would have a problem with this.
It will never be closed unless a federal card is issued. Even then people will still find a way.

I know for a fact that some unscrupulous people are buying ar-15 lowers with no serial number. Then they pick an ar-15 at a gun show, and copy the serial number to the unserialed ar-15.

Instant ghost gun created... until used in a crime... and the poor guy with the valid ar-15 gets a knock on the door from the feds.

Point??? People will always find a way.
It will never be closed unless a federal card is issued. Even then people will still find a way.

I know for a fact that some unscrupulous people are buying ar-15 lowers with no serial number. Then they pick an ar-15 at a gun show, and copy the serial number to the unserialed ar-15.

Instant ghost gun created... until used in a crime... and the poor guy with the valid ar-15 gets a knock on the door from the feds.

Point??? People will always find a way.

If we use the "people will always find a way to break laws" as a reason to not have laws, then we wouldn't have any laws.

BTW, your point just points to the fact that we need even stricter guns laws, to lower these types of unscrupulous actions as low as possible.

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