How do you feel about Biden NOW?

So I do know a bit about what I'm talking about about.

I'll add that my great grandfather was an Ensign in the Navy during WWI.

I actually know a fair amount about the Great Depression. I've heard all the stories... first hand.
So I do know a bit about what I'm talking about about.

I'll add that my great grandfather was an Ensign in the Navy during WWI.

I actually know a fair amount about the Great Depression. I've heard all the stories... first hand.

The bit where you claimed F.D. Roosevelt didn't create jobs was wrong though.
Read again please. I wasn't saying Roosevelt didn't create jobs. The WPA is proof he did.

But with the Great Depression as bad as it was, there's no possible way job creation during that time, led to positive numbers.

That's why I think your numbers are skewed, and what I "called you out" on initially.
I've heard all the stories first hand. People jumping out of high story buildings (commiting suicide) after losing everything.

My Great grandfather (the Ensign) and his wife... and my mom (and Aunt) living in a 2 room flat in NYC... managed to go through the depression fairly unscathed. But it wasn't easy.
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You Trumpers are getting even weirder, no idea why I'm even s little bit surprised at this point.
Read again please. I wasn't saying Roosevelt didn't create jobs. The WPA is proof he did.

But with the Great Depression as bad as it was, there's no possible way job creation during that time, led to positive numbers.

That's why I think your numbers are skewed, and what I "called you out" on initially.

Well, you kinda did.

Hoover lost the jobs, Hoover and Trump are the only two presidents to lose jobs by the end of their terms. These are historical facts.

The Civil Works Administration (Executive Order 6420-B) signed by FDR is what kept millions of people working, building secondary roads, parks, schoolhouses, playgrounds and other projects. The Civilian Conservation bill kept a few million more employed. There's more.

I find it funny that F.D. Roosevelt is one of the most celebrated US Presidents regardless of personal politics and you're trying to go out of your way to ignore or wrap reality, so you can shit on the man just because he was a Democrat. LoL.
Not true... but I have other reasons I don't particularly care for him, that go into the (old) League of Nations and the people of power in that era.

I couldn't find that thread now if I wanted to. Well maybe...

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