How do you feel about Biden NOW?

Not true... but I have other reasons I don't particularly care for him, that go into the (old) League of Nations and the people of power in that era.

I couldn't find that thread now if I wanted to. Well maybe...

Well regardless of your feelings and beliefs, F.D. Roosevelt did not lose jobs in his presidential jobs creation report.
Well... He certainly didn't gain jobs. Hard to do during a depression.

And yet he did due to his programs and Congress' bills and the onset of WWII. Reality > Your beliefs

If you want to talk about Presidents who lost jobs by the end of their terms, that would be Republican Presidents Herbert Hoover and Donald Trump.
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I will agree that the war (2) created jobs... out of necessity. Unfortunately.

Still won't believe the depression job numbers though. Again... NOBODY was working or had a job back then... unless you got lucky enough to be a part of the WPA.

My Great Uncle did get lucky (kinda). He was building a house when the depression hit.

He had the foundation and block walls up... So he built a roof over the basement... and he and his wife lived in the basement.

He did end up going to work for the WPA... working for the parks district. Not sure how long.
The thing about science and facts, they continue being true regardless of [your] personal beliefs.
Okay, and? FDR took office in 1933... he was president for 12 years... we've already covered this.. you're still wrong.
So according to the screenshot I took above, people either lost their job during the depression... or took a 50% pay cut.

This is where context is important. Do you see the part where it says "at the height of the depression in 1933" in your post? That means that after that, things started to improve because of FDR's policies. See my earlier comments on: The Civil Works Administration, the Civilian Conservation bill, WWII


I have to assume that you're being willfully obtuse at this point.
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‘Moscow Marjorie’ Taylor Greene, GOP rebels defeated as House passes $61B in Ukraine aid package -NY Post

House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) on Saturday crushed a putsch by far-right Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene and Republican rebels — pushing through a $95.3 billion aid package that funds the fight against Russia, the defense of Israel and resistance against China.

Lawmakers in a rare bipartisan effort overwhelmingly approved the four-bill package, including one measure providing $60.8 billion for Ukraine.

The bill passed 311-112 with all “nay” votes coming from Republicans, including Greene who was hailed as “Moscow Marjorie” by members of both major political parties. -snip

LoL, when even Rupert Murdock's had enough of these traitors.

Sure it's bipartisan and that's a good thing, but 112 Republicans still voted against it, that's a majority of House Republicans in Putin's pocket, spreading Putin's propaganda and doing his will.
This is where context is important. Do you see the part where it says "at the height of the depression in 1933" in your post? That means that after that, things started to improve because of FDR's policies. See my earlier comments on: The Civil Works Administration, the Civilian Conservation bill, WWII

View attachment 828578766

I have to assume that you're being willfully obtuse at this point.
Not really.

Did New Deal Programs Help End the Great Depression? | HISTORY

Your BDS is fooling YOU.
So the above link (and screenshot) allude to the idea that segregation is still going on today.

I wonder what Biden has to say about this now?

Considering this...
Unemployment rate under Reagan Nov of 1984:


Unemployment under Trump Nov 2020:

Unemployment under Biden right now:

3.8% will always be less than 6.7% and 7.2%. That's just simple maths.

Now don't get me wrong, I understand that the Republican smear-machine is a Grade A machine, unmatched really, and capable of warping reality in people's minds and making them feel bad.
You do realize that Scripps News is a moderate Left leaning news source.

Kinda hard to lean against those of your own "ilk".

Oh wait... I keep forgetting you are a radical Left liberal that ignores facts from your own party. Hmmm...

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