how far do you drive to work?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 25, 2006
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as the title states, how many miles do you guys drive back and forth from work? i'm just asking because the gas is whooping my A$$ right now. i drive approx. 50 miles total each day to work, and that's not including other driving and weekend. i know a guy who travels 65 miles a day to get to work. just curious...
If I just go to work and back, it's approximately eight miles each way, and it's almost all highway (my morning commute is ~12 minutes).
Rick, the wifey drives the LS 50 miles a day, round trip, 5 days a week on the 210 freeway. Right now the mileage computer is reading 21.7 MPG.
Approx 17 miles one way.

Sorry for the double post, computer was acting up.
Rick, the wifey drives the LS 50 miles a day, round trip, 5 days a week on the 210 freeway. Right now the mileage computer is reading 21.7 MPG.

i only get 17mpg's and that's considering it recently went up (no idea why btw). i think i filled up last time with 80 bucks for like 16 gallons or so. it really sucked but it sucked even more when i had to fill up 3 days later.
Approx. 8 miles each way. I have resorted to parking my LS and riding my bike. Honda CBR that is. 60 MPG versus 20 MPG. Plus, keeps the mileage down until i can buy the extended service plan. I must admit though, i miss driving my lady.
About 2 miles if I am at our shop ( both ways ) and about 44 miles one way if I am going to our DC headquarters. I go to our DC about twice a week.

Its not bad at all really being all highway and getting paid for travel.
To work and back is 10 miles.

I ride my bicycle to work when it's nice out, though. Wakes me up and gets me a workout.

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