How Much Is Gas In Your Area

well that and your proximity to a major metropolitan area. LA, SF, Miami, NY, DC probably all have the highest average rates in the country. more cars in an area = more potential profit for oil companies. as there are more cars in CA than anywhere in the world, on average we get hit the hardest. and trust me there are PLENTY of refineries and a massive shipping/receiving industry out here.
If we had "plenty of refineries," they wouldn't have just broken ground on the first new refinery in around 30 years...

BTW, gas costs more in different regions not only because of the distance from the refineries, but also because different regions have different mandated fuel blends (California is a prime example of this). All refineries are not the same, and do not produce the same fuel blends, so those mandates keep production capacity artificially low versus a high demand, and that keeps prices higher in many of those areas.

You might remember how fuel prices equalized across the country after Katrina hit back in '05--that was primarily because the EPA temporarily lifted the regional blend mandates to help offset the loss of refining capacity along the Gulf Coast.

Then again, $100+/bbl crude isn't helping matters any...
nope :(
hit $134 yesterday. i don't see the price ever dropping below $100 again and if all the rumors i'm hearing are correct, that we'll be up to $5/gallon this year... can you just imagine the profit these oil execs are making. all this speculatory economics makes me sick sometimes.
west central florida where i am is 3.65 a gallon, , 93 octane is 3.89

this will make you cry, venezuala is .12 cents a gallon, 12 cents i'm moving there!!!
If we had "plenty of refineries," they wouldn't have just broken ground on the first new refinery in around 30 years...
just to get back to this...
yes, california has been clamping down on refineries for years, but that is because older refineries couldn't keep up with newer EPA and state-mandated regulations. get rid of the inefficient plants, and focus on restructuring higher-capacity plants was the objective, which they succeeded at. after Texas of course, California has more refineries and produces more oil based products than anywhere else in North America.

*edit - california is definitely #2 in most refineries but i think louisiana refines more oil, volume-wise. i'm researching that right now.
...which ties into my original point that it's not necessarily always the distance from the refinery which dictates prices but population statistics as well.
...which ties into my original point that it's not necessarily always the distance from the refinery which dictates prices but population statistics as well.
I never said that it was always the distance from the refinery, only that it was a factor. As the driving population goes up, the demand goes up, so, yes, that is also a factor.
I finally had a fill-up over $60 ($3.89/gal)

Meanwhile some blonde was putting $20 worth of regular in a beautiful new 750i. :confused: Surely if you can afford that car you can afford premium... or at least fill up the tank!
Now premium is at $4.25 at Mobile

The new Jetta TDI is looking better and better
Now premium is at $4.25 at Mobile

The new Jetta TDI is looking better and better

Diesel is like $4.60/gallon.

Help me understand. :confused:

I could understand when I had my GMC like 3 years ago when diesel was actually cheaper than regular gas but not now.
Diesel is like $4.60/gallon.

Help me understand. :confused:

I could understand when I had my GMC like 3 years ago when diesel was actually cheaper than regular gas but not now.
LS V8 EPA rating is 17/25 MPG
Jetta TDI is 40/50 MPG
Diesel is supposed to be above 5$ a gallon by July, I still don't think its worth the switch.

i saw diesel today at 4.79 a gallon. my father in law has a F250 and he's tossing and turning in his sleep every night thinking about the fill up, lol.
cost me $62.00 to fill up yesterday in Mobile, AL at $3.93/gallon.

Still not sweating it though really. New the car took premium gas when I bought it and if I couldnt afford gas for it I would have consider other vehicles. I get so irritated at the pump when someone next to me is whining and complaining about filling up their SUV or BMW. I want to look at them and tell them to get a smaller more fuel efficient car if its that bad. Now I do understand that some people have to have these large vehicles for work purposes but the same really applies there are ways to offset your fuel costs if it is for work.

Yeah gas is high and getting worse everyday, but thats just how it goes. Chevron is building a new facility in at their refinery in Mississippi and they have perfected a refining technique that allows them to get 40-60% more gas per barrell of oil. You think that means lower prices for us? NO. It means more profits for them, thats just the reality of it.

Sorry for the rant...
$4.09 today. uff da.
side note: i've always wondered how much fuel is burned daily in our middle east war in tanks, jets, boats, helicopters, etc... wondered how an end to the war would affect prices on a purely economic supply and demand basis (socio-political factors aside)
Diesel is supposed to be above 5$ a gallon by July, I still don't think its worth the switch.

I'll test drive one of those Jetta TDIs to see how it is. Dealers are supposed to get the demo units in a month or so, if not already.

Even if diesel is more expensive than premium (not that much anyway), Jetta TDI would at least get twice as many miles per gallon than my LS. Some of these guys can get 700 miles per tank.

Now its not gonna be as fun as LS, but I could get a real project car to mod like a Mustang GT convertible as a 2nd car as modding daily driver has its limits.

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