So, I was thinking about this and decided to look up an old post of mine. It's from an old thread started by Gman.
At that point, over 3 years ago, I had put almost $23,000 into my 98 LSC. Since then, around this time of the year, I've put about $3000 or more into it each year, so it's easily over $30k that I've spent on it. Probably closer to $35k. That's without labor charges! I do all the work I can myself. If I didn't, I couldn't afford this car. There's no way. It would still be bone stock if I had to pay someone to do all of the stuff that I've done to it.
For me to sell it today, I'd probably have to have someone offer me close to $20k. I know it's not worth near that much, even with my mods, but I don't WANT to sell it. If I was in the mood to sell it, I would probably ask for somewhere around $8k, but I don't know that I would get even that. I wouldn't really want anything else. I KNOW this car. I know exactly what's been done to it and how it was done. I'm not gonna get that with any other car. It's gonna suck, the day that I have to buy another car. It's probably gonna have to be brand new. I bought my 97 at the beginning of 2008 for $900 with high intentions of it being a parts car. 30k miles, a junkyard engine, all 4 corners of air ride, and a whole front suspension later and it's still driving me to work every day. I'd let that one go for much less (probably $3-4k), but I still wouldn't want to. Again, I've done so much work on it, that I feel like I have to keep it.
There's probably something wrong with me. When I decided not to part the 97 out, I always told myself that I'd part it if/when something big went out on it. Well, even when the engine broke a piston rod, I couldn't stand the thought of parting it out. I went looking online that day for a replacement engine and went that route. It's probably gonna take a major accident, or sudden poverty for me to want to get rid of them...
Anyway, sorry I wrote so much.
In short,
for me to sell the 98 today, $20k
the 97 today, $3k-4k....but I'd have to know of another one for sale somewhere that I could buy with that money. lol.