How Republicans Blew It

Fox, you're lucky I'm not a moderator. For all the times you lie and misquote people, I'd have banned you by now. You serve no purpose here other than to taunt and spread propaganda. You never contribute to topics, you never defend a position. All you do is mock and spread lies. You say you admire Clinton and are most like him - I agree to this extent - Clinton lied reflexively, to the point that whatever needed to be true on a given day was the truth. He clung to his lies to the bitter end. That's you to a 'T.' There is a special place in hell for people like you, and I will be there watching from above when you are tossed in.

You claim to go to church - I don't believe it for a second. If you actually do go to church, you certainly aren't under any conviction when you're there. You have a pathological problem and you have a seared conscience. I doubt God could reach you if He tried at this point.

Again - and this is for the moderators as well - YOU SERVE NO PURPOSE HERE other than to taunt, mock, and lie.

Wow foss - it certainly doesn't take much to get to you, to get all the way to 'may you burn in hell'.

This is the internet - you might want to remember that. My conscience is quite fine, along with my convictions. You know very little about either.

Hopefully the moderators will take note of your admonishment that they 'serve no purpose here'. I have found them fair, civil, and in almost all cases willing to keep a step back, while letting discourse happen.

This is a car forum, if you can't handle the difference of opinions here, don't ever go and play on the real playground.
But conservatism isn't on the same end of the right scale as your radical liberalism (I would assume communism in other terms).

Conservatism is only partly down to the bitter end of the right... you need to go all the way shag - there is no middle ground correct - communism or anarchy...

If there is no middle ground on the left - why would there be middle ground on the right?

You are intentionally confusing the issue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. It may be rooted in an ideology, but only if that ideology has proven itself empirically (as much as possible) in the real world.

Libertarianism is a form of ideology and, under the left/right dichotomy, it is a bastard child in a sense because it has a foot in both camps, especially in the extreme. In fact, under the more extreme anarcho-capitalism, it is, at a fundamental level, basically the same as communism.

Injecting it into this is misdirection because I was not talking about a left/right dichotomy but a radical/status quo dichotomy. You know better, but your first instinct is to confuse the issue until no counterpoint to your view stands clear.
My conscience is quite fine, along with my convictions. You know very little about either.

The actions you take in this forum and in this discussions say a lot about more about you then you would likely care to admit. You can tell a lot about a person's character, integrity and maturity by the arguments they make, especially in the area of politics.
You are intentionally confusing the issue.

Conservatism is not an ideology. It may be rooted in an ideology, but only if that ideology has proven itself empirically (as much as possible) in the real world.

Libertarianism is a form of ideology and, under the left/right dichotomy, it is a bastard child in a sense because it has a foot in both camps, especially in the extreme. In fact, under the more extreme anarcho-capitalism, it is, at a fundamental level, basically the same as communism.

Injecting it into this is misdirection because I was not talking about a left/right dichotomy but a radical/status quo dichotomy. You know better, but your first instinct is to confuse the issue until no counterpoint to your view stands clear.

So, you are using this as modern liberal or 'change' - conservative or 'status quo' dichotomy?

That the latter - conservative/status quo is the preferred road?

I am not trying to 'put words in your mouth' but, rather trying to figure out what you mean...
4. The plan will lower health insurance premiums for most people. A few people will see significant reductions in what they pay for health insurance if they qualify for low-income tax credits to buy their policies. But the vast majority of Americans will see no decrease or a very slight decrease in premiums, according to projections.

What don't you get here?

The poor will have their health care subsidized 100% by the government. Get it! Free Health Care. And who exactly will be paying for that free health care? Is Obama going to go out to Michelle's garden and pick it off the lettuce bunch?

Come on. Be straight. This is the greatest money grab in the history of the United States to take from the man and give it all to the lemmings.

It's stealing, plain and simple. Period. Exclamation point.

The people I have spoken to know this is going to devastate their disposable income. The restaurant industry dies. Clothing retailers die. I could go on and on.

There is only so much money left after one pays for the essentials: food-clothing-shelter. After that, when the money is sucked up, the domino effect starts happening.

I had a meeting today with a very, very wealthy man. The first 40 minutes all we talked was politics. His company is going to be devastated and he will be having to let people go. DOMINO EFFECT.

You think 10% unemployment or (20% under-employment if you want to tell the truth is bad?), just wait.

Energy prices skyrocketing with no drilling.
We are using food to drive our cars.
We haven't spent one F-in dime building a factory yet we've spent billions on the stimulus.

F it. I'm done.
I had a meeting today with a very, very wealthy man. The first 40 minutes all we talked was politics. His company is going to be devastated and he will be having to let people go. DOMINO EFFECT.

Reminds me of what I saw in the news the other day - a guy who runs a medical equipment company said that the tax increases for his company, as a result of the new bill, would considerably diminish his company's profits.

Caterpillar also said that the bill will cost them $100 million in the first year alone. :(
Fox, you're lucky I'm not a moderator. For all the times you lie and misquote people, I'd have banned you by now. You serve no purpose here other than to taunt and spread propaganda. You never contribute to topics, you never defend a position. All you do is mock and spread lies. You say you admire Clinton and are most like him - I agree to this extent - Clinton lied reflexively, to the point that whatever needed to be true on a given day was the truth. He clung to his lies to the bitter end. That's you to a 'T.' There is a special place in hell for people like you, and I will be there watching from above when you are tossed in.

You claim to go to church - I don't believe it for a second. If you actually do go to church, you certainly aren't under any conviction when you're there. You have a pathological problem and you have a seared conscience. I doubt God could reach you if He tried at this point.

Again - and this is for the moderators as well - YOU SERVE NO PURPOSE HERE other than to taunt, mock, and lie.

You got to love the religious right.

Shag....what do you think of this post?
Wow foss - it certainly doesn't take much to get to you, to get all the way to 'may you burn in hell'.

This is the internet - you might want to remember that. My conscience is quite fine, along with my convictions. You know very little about either.

Hopefully the moderators will take note of your admonishment that they 'serve no purpose here'. I have found them fair, civil, and in almost all cases willing to keep a step back, while letting discourse happen.

This is a car forum, if you can't handle the difference of opinions here, don't ever go and play on the real playground.
Again, you try to twist my words around. Clearly I didn't direct this to the moderators. It was directed at you - I was speaking to the moderators about you. Why in the world would I lump the moderators in with the likes of human debris like you?

You just illustrated my point again. Well done.
What don't you get here?

The poor will have their health care subsidized 100% by the government. Get it! Free Health Care. And who exactly will be paying for that free health care? Is Obama going to go out to Michelle's garden and pick it off the lettuce bunch?
Romneycare healthcare costs are skyrocketing. Foxpaws' talking points fail.
Take a look at what this bill is going to do to families making over $88,000.

I've been looking online; the web is loaded with garbage, some say 'this', others say 'that', like they're purposely trying to confuse the issue.

So, what is? Excuse my ignorance.
But thankfully I can always count on you...:rolleyes:

I love you too.

Tell me does hell have a special place for me too?
Is it the same place?
It would be nice to know somebody, seeing how we will be there for eternity.
I love you too.

Tell me does hell have a special place for me too?
Is it the same place?
It would be nice to know somebody, seeing how we will be there for eternity.
Meh. You're not interesting enough to discuss it with.

I love you too.

Tell me does hell have a special place for me too?
Is it the same place?
It would be nice to know somebody, seeing how we will be there for eternity.

haven't ya heard? fossten will be there too. the hare krishna's are right.
Just what I thought.
Are you here to discuss something or to be foxpaws e-knight in shining armor?

The last person to actively interject religion and to actively lash out at a commentator because of their own sensitive, personal religiosity, was, infact, Foxpaws with her radical, politically expedient attack and misrepresentation of Glenn Beck in another thread. That's what Fossten clearly appears to be referencing.

And the only person who referenced "damning to hell" specifically was, again, foxpaws.
But thanks for stopping by, brave sir e-knights.

....and on topic.
There's an old quote that is relevant here.
I make it a principle to be willing to compromise but I will never compromise on my principles.
There was no option of a principled compromise on this issue with Obama. Efforts were made by Republicans.
But when you support limited government, and the opposition supports statism, there is no compromise position there.

This healthcare bill is a violation of the basic founding principles of the country.
The federal government does not have the constitutional authority to enact such requirements or control. The debate SHOULD end at that.

But pragmatically, without regard to the constitution.
We can't afford this bill. It will hasten the economic collapse of the country.
It's going to damage the economy.
It's going to reduce the quality of health care.
It's going to stifle innovation and creation within the health care and medicine industries.
And it's going to be massively invasive into our private lives. Infact, it gives the federal government permission into every aspect of out lives.
Furthermore, the bill goes beyond healthchare, it has hidden provisions within it, including the take over of the student loan programs. So it's not just a health care bill, it's also a take over of education.

As Fossten pointed out, even the NY Times has reported that this bill is about redistribution of wealth.
It's interesting, when Obama was elected, we saw this:

But once there was some pushback, the administration and the media backed away from that. Suddenly those of us who identified this agenda as such were labelled "kooks" by the administration and their surrogates in the media. Now that the bill is passed, they reluctant start to recognize the truth.

As Fossten posted on the last page, from the NY Times:
In Health Bill, Obama Attacks Wealth Inequality

For all the political and economic uncertainties about health reform, at least one thing seems clear: The bill that President Obama signed on Tuesday is the federal government’s biggest attack on economic inequality since inequality began rising more than three decades ago.
Are you here to discuss something or to be foxpaws e-knight in shining armor?

The last person to actively interject religion and to actively lash out at a commentator because of their own sensitive, personal religiosity, was, infact, Foxpaws with her radical, politically expedient attack and misrepresentation of Glenn Beck in another thread. That's what Fossten clearly appears to be referencing.

And the only person who referenced "damning to hell" specifically was, again, foxpaws.
But thanks for stopping by, brave sir e-knights.

....and on topic.
Foxpaws owns fossten all on her own, she needs no help from me.

But this post of fossten is 100% out of line no matter who it is directed at.

But its OK because he is part of team religious right that trashes any meaningful discourse on this forum.

Carry on Cornholio.....I mean Calabrio.
But this post of fossten is 100% out of line no matter who it is directed at.

But its OK because he is part of team religious right that trashes any meaningful discourse on this forum.

So...what is your point?

Why do you feel the need to defend someone who habitually misrepresents, lies and attempts to mislead?

Carry on Cornholio.....I mean Calabrio.

No reason to act like a child.

It is "team religious right" as you call it that is expecting a certain level of honest discourse.

It is rather telling that you complain about a lack of "meaningful discourse" while defending a proven liar and then resort to childish taunts.

Maybe a look in the mirror would be appropriate. ;)
But this post of fossten is 100% out of line no matter who it is directed at.
You've chosen to ignore the point I made.
Foxpaws routinely interjects her religiosity into these discussions. Fossten was referencing the most recent occasion of this.

But its OK because he is part of team religious right that trashes any meaningful discourse on this forum.
Interesting, because your e-damsel in distress was recently complaining that I don't address my spirituality here.

Carry on Cornholio.....I mean Calabrio.
...I really don't think you want to make this personal, especially if that's the best you've got.

It's also worth noting you made a mention of trashing meaningful discourse while involving yourself in this thread solely to instigate a negative response, while ignoring everything else I said specifically on topic about the Obamacare omnibus spending bill.

Meaningful or entertaining discourse only exists when it's done honestly and in good faith. A political forum isn't a place for people to express or present an opinion and then get upset when it is honestly challenged.
So...what is your point?
The point is its uncalled for.
Why do you feel the need to defend someone who habitually misrepresents, lies and attempts to mislead?
I will have to quote myself I guess.
But this post of fossten is 100% out of line no matter who it is directed at.

There is a special place in hell for people like you, and I will be there watching from above when you are tossed in.

What a joke, are you going to applaud god as he tosses her in?

Your thrilled that she will be burning in hell?

Give me a break.


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