How to cheaply add some boost to my go kart


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 16, 2005
Reaction score
las vegas
OK, I want to add a few psi of boost to my go kart with a honda 5.5 horsepower engine.

Turbo is not an option since they dont make one small enough & I wouldn't have the oil supply to lubercate it anyways, Supercharger, ummmm noo, So here is what I am thinking...

Maybe taking a leaf blower apart & mounting it to the frame & using a belt to drive it from the rear axle, Would this work? I have no idea, Another thing I was thinking about, Would a smog pump off of a car work, I read somewhere online that they can make 4-5 psi, I have no idea though???

I want to keep it cheap & just want to make it a little faster while having some fun at doing it. Any ideas?

The engine is factory with the exception of a header pipe that I made for it, Right now it goes somewhere around 40 MPH with my 250lb azz on it. That is with me reaching back & holding the governer linkage, LOL. Anyone know how to disable the governer all together on a honda 5.5 engine?

Thanks guys!


I remember a joke video about a leafblower acting as forced induction and I think it was a joke, so I'll have to say no. You can probably rig up a nitrous kit small enough though.
you can't blow through a carb without encasing it so equal pressure is everywhere. a carb setup usually is drawn through the carb and into the compressor(turbo/supercharger). you might try to find somewhere that sells nitro for drag racing and add it to the fuel, or nitrous(which would need an enrichment circuit for fuel) so, cheap? probably not. easiest way would be to find a larger hp motor and bolt it in.
you can't blow through a carb without encasing it so equal pressure is everywhere. a carb setup usually is drawn through the carb and into the compressor(turbo/supercharger). you might try to find somewhere that sells nitro for drag racing and add it to the fuel, or nitrous(which would need an enrichment circuit for fuel) so, cheap? probably not. easiest way would be to find a larger hp motor and bolt it in.

Nitro for drag racing? If I can get a hold of some would it hurt the engine you think? What percentage? Maybe 75% fuel to 25% nitro ???

Why can't you have a blow through set up? I have seen this done with a 83 mustang GT, he used 2 IHI turbos & had them routed directly into the top of the carburetor. Would this not work on a small engine? Just currious.

My friend and I took an old Tecumseh and put it on a go kart frame like that. We took the torque converter off all together and did straight chain drive. We had to jump on the cart as soon as we started it or it'd drive away though at idle without us on it. That'd definentely make it faster but you would also have to find the right sprocket combination depending on whether you want top end or bottem end. Or you can find a different torque converter somewhere. Taking the governor off can't be that hard. I don't know what it's like on yours though.

One thing that might work, we put gas meant for a two stroke dirtbike...mixed gas in it and at night after taking the spark arrestor off the exhaust would have a small flame that looked like a butane lighter come out of it.
when i was young there were cart racers that ran nitro. some had problems keeping spark plugs in the head. for a blow through system, the whole carb has to be encased to equalize pressure between the veturis and the bowl, or no fuel flows.(the pressure just blows back through the metering jets) that's why all blowers have the carbs on top. it's easier. fuel injected engines are different in their fuel flow. only small amount's of nitro are needed. don't remember the ratio. but that will only help acceleration, as the engine is still built for only so much rpm. my friend had his sons running junior drags about 5 and better years ago. 5hp b&s engines spinning about 25hp. they run on methanol, and the oil has to be changed every run from dilution. a few hundred per season in machining. your cheapest option is still, get a larger engine and gear it up a bit if you want speed. there have got to be a few cheap 8-10hp horizontal crank rototillers around for a transplant. either that or an old snowmobile engine. i'd recheck that 83 mustang to find out how he got a blow through carb. i've got a turbo from an old 301 turbo t.a. in the garage, and sitting on top of the intake of the compressor side is the flange for a quadrajet. like i said, it can be done, but the whole carb has to be pressure boxed.
Cool guys, Thanks for the ideas. I just thought it might be kinda neat to rig something up to give it a little bit more get up & go. Back in the day we always just found an old B&S side shaft engine & took the govener off. This Honda has some weird looking linkage though.

I am going to try to find a pic of that mustang blow through turbo set up if I can.
little side note. you'll also have to provide a pressurized fuel feed to overcome the pressure being pushed into the carb. gravity won't work anymore. sealing the tank and providing a pressurized feed into the tank from the blower will cure it. post back your intentions. this link has a quick run down on blow through boost
that euro guy hit .3 bar. about 3.5-4 pounds boost. he went the easy route with a drawthrough. too bad he burnt her in the end.(or maybe it burnt itself)
Can you run a bigger jet and alcohol? That what all my friends do on their sleds, quads, and bikes.

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