How to remove engine on 2002 ls V6


New LVC Member
Apr 22, 2013
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Newbie here and so far my searches aren't finding anything on step by step instructions to remove engine from a 2002 ls v6. Do these exist somewhere?

Background I have a 2002 ls V6 with a hydrolocked motor with bent rods. Can't even spin the engine over with a breaker bar and all of the spark plugs removed. I found lots of antifreeze in the two of the cylinders on the passengers side so engine is dead. Figure I can score a used Gen I v6 and do the swap cheaper than a rebuild.


Newbie here and so far my searches aren't finding anything on step by step instructions to remove engine from a 2002 ls v6. Do these exist somewhere?

Background I have a 2002 ls V6 with a hydrolocked motor with bent rods. Can't even spin the engine over with a breaker bar and all of the spark plugs removed. I found lots of antifreeze in the two of the cylinders on the passengers side so engine is dead. Figure I can score a used Gen I v6 and do the swap cheaper than a rebuild.



Don't be offended but if you need step by step instructions to remove an engine you may want to reconsider doing it yourself.
where are you from... Columbus ??
Sir I assure you I am quite capable. I've been wrenching for 35 years and I have most any tool I need. I've rebuilt motors, transmissions, setup differentials, clutches, brakes, body work, paint, collision repair, about the only things I don't do are A/C and exhaust systems. No tools for the former and I hate exhaust work. Why am I asking for step by step? I am very methodical and prefer to do things correctly the first time and I am quite sure others have done this and I would prefer to learn from their experience. Quite certain I could purchase the shop manuals but they are a bit pricey, haven't looked at All Data yet.

Good Day

The factory procedure is to elevate the car and remove the engine from underneath. Others have done it from above, but you're not going to find step by step instructions on that.
check ebay for the cd-based manuals for cheap
I took mine out from top and installed from top. Its no diff then any other setup.
This is how I got mine.



Yeah all done
Oh cool...those new 2 piece rods I've heard about...I hear they are a pain to put together but are dirt cheap!
Sir I assure you I am quite capable. I've been wrenching for 35 years and I have most any tool I need. I've rebuilt motors, transmissions, setup differentials, clutches, brakes, body work, paint, collision repair, about the only things I don't do are A/C and exhaust systems. No tools for the former and I hate exhaust work. Why am I asking for step by step? I am very methodical and prefer to do things correctly the first time and I am quite sure others have done this and I would prefer to learn from their experience. Quite certain I could purchase the shop manuals but they are a bit pricey, haven't looked at All Data yet.

Good Day


whoa whoa whoa - YouTube
Pureevilpleasure thanks for the link lot's of good information there.

Ouch Right on the Mark - that hurts to even look at. Did you run into any particular problems pulling out of the top ? Any gotcha's to watch out for? With the radiator out and the front of the motor torn down it looks like there is a ton of room to come out the top. Did you pull motor/tranny or did you separate ? The top bolts on the tranny look a little tough.

Pureevilpleasure thanks for the link lot's of good information there.

Ouch Right on the Mark - that hurts to even look at. Did you run into any particular problems pulling out of the top ? Any gotcha's to watch out for? With the radiator out and the front of the motor torn down it looks like there is a ton of room to come out the top. Did you pull motor/tranny or did you separate ? The top bolts on the tranny look a little tough.


I have a complete garage with lift and hoist. I stripped dead engine down to block and me and my friend pulled it out by hand. This made getting to all bolts bit easier. I left trans in car. I got to all bolts so not to bad. The funkiest parts are all the pumps on engine. The fan and PS pumps need fluid lines taken off because they cover a mount bolt if I remember correct. Get new teflon "O" rings for any and all that need them. Also teflon "O" ring install tools. I machined my own if I can find pics for ya.

For "O" ring tools look on my thread page 3 post 64 for pics.
Right on the Mark thanks again. I read that entire thread you and I share similar car work philosophies. I made a set of those oring installers myself for a different project, I used acetal though so not quite as pretty. Envious of your lift I would love to have one but I can't figure how to add one and still be able to get two cars in the garage.

Right on the Mark thanks again. I read that entire thread you and I share similar car work philosophies. I made a set of those oring installers myself for a different project, I used acetal though so not quite as pretty. Envious of your lift I would love to have one but I can't figure how to add one and still be able to get two cars in the garage.


You stack them. When storms come my MK8 goes up on lift and park my LS underneath. You should read some of my other threads too. I think they are good reads for DYI stuff.

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