How to test my stock Amplifier


New LVC Member
Mar 9, 2009
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Daytona Beach
I have the 95 Mark VIII LSC and for some reason the cd player I installed a year ago crapped out on me. I tried another one same thing. some one told me it was the stock amp. Is there a way to check and see if it's good or bad? or is there away of bypassing it all together? I've been with out any music in my car since sept and it really blows....
if you install an aftermarket cd'll have to rewire deleting the stoopid factory amp

it'll sound louder without the factory amp too
ok cool... I had it in there and like I said one day it crapped out on me and i never had to touch the factory amp the first time, can any one find a picture diagram on how to rewire the cd player to the car while bypassing the amp at all?
Like MediumD said.
Just re-wire the whole mess.
Throw the stock crap in the trash.

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