I've formed some of my opinions regarding us reaping what we've sown from this documentary film "Why We Fight"
Even if you don't agree with some of it's suppositions or opinions it certainly gives insight into why they hate us. I recommend you buy a copy
to expand your knowledge base. I think you'll find it a real eye opener as to what's really been going on here for the last 50 years.
I never said our conflict with Islam started with Saddam.
Saddam was our kind of guy, who helped us by fighting the Iranians in the Iran Iraq war of the 1980's.
He was not driven by religious zeal and could be bargained with.
It was only when he dared to invade Kuwait and threaten Saudi Arabia that we started to demonize him and prepare the american public for his ouster. He became a threat to american world dominance and that could not stand.
We are alway's willing to overlook human rights abuses and outright murder if it serves our strategic purposes.
The list of despots we have supported because of national interest is long.
Johnston sent in the Marines at the behest of the Chiquita Bannana Company when the Dominican Republic nationalized the plantations.
Our own support of Saddam while he was commiting his atrocities speaks volumes to our selective morality if it serves our national interest. Nations have only interests and not friends.
The US is a paradox much like a human being. On the one hand we stand as a beacon of freedom and democracy for all however we achieved our greatness the old fasioned way by stealing land and murdering the inhabitants. We picked a war with Mexico and took their land too.
No wonder the illegals want their land back. What's legal is in the eye of the victorious.
The Indians were non christian savages according to us who despite having lived in harmony with the land for thousands of years would not bend to our will or become slaves so they had to be destroyed or assimilated.
The whole conflict with Islam goes back to the CIA overthrowing an elected government and putting the Shah of Iran in power in 1954 as a despotic ruler who happened to serve our bidding by not nationalizing the american and british oil companies. This is a common tactic in american foreign policy since WWII.
The Arab countries have hated us for coming in and talking about freedom and democracy whereas our real goal is to provide fertile ground for our corporations to get rich off of them and their resourses.
Our corporations making money is more important than spreading democracy which can be a messy unorderly unrewarding process.
Business is non democratic and well suited to working with dictatorial societies.
Look at Walmart and China or how well GM is doing selling Buicks to newly rich chinese.
We suck profits out of these relatively poor resourse rich countries
and don't care about the people there beyond paying off those in power by offering some money and protection. American garrisons protect the Saudi Royal family as they don't trust their own people ang guards to not overthrow them.
The american public is so myopic and into itself that it took the dramatic larger than life, like something out of a movie event of 9/11 to drive home that these people were real, smart, patient, and determined and willing to die to hurt us. Of course Bush never said it was because of our foreign policy in the middle east for the last 50 years because maybe he didn't even know these things himself.
Things really started when Ayatolah Khomeni and the revolurionaly guards overthrew the shah in 1979 and put in an theocratic Islamic government which is still there today.
We nurchured Saddam as our buddy and got him to fight the Iranians in the 80's to keep them weak.
Saddam was into himself and was no muslim religious fanatic.
He was someone we could do business with.
If he hadn't commited his fatal error he would still be our ally in the fight against radical Islam.
I don't know all this for a fact but it is my informed studied opinion.