hydraulic fan?


LVC Member
Jun 10, 2011
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(I am signed in using my husbands account)
I have a 2000 V8 with Sport Shift with a little over 111k miles. For the last few weeks my car has been leaking tranny fluid from the Hydraulic Fan. I have put in 2 bottles of stop leak hoping it could be a small leak and it would fix it, but it hasn't =(
My question is.. does anyone know who has them for less than 300? (US) I just bought it 3 months ago and my dealer warranty has expired unfortunately. I think the leak was present when it was still at the dealer and when I bought it but it has gotten worse over the last few months. I love my car but I really don't want to start throwing out hundreds of dollars into a "new" car, especially after I just got rid of a money hungry car lol.

Also if anyone has a wiring diagram of how to install a LOC into the LS my husband would really appreciate it.. he ripped out the stock radio and saw all of the wires and decided not to do it until he had a true diagram lol

Thanks guys!
Putting stop leak into the hydraulic fan system is a bad idea. It can mess the speed control solenoid up.

Have you verified exactly where the leak is coming from? There's the pump, the reservoir, a few hoses, the fan motor, and the speed control solenoid.
I think that the solenoid is a frequent source of leaks for that system, and it is relatively cheap. Just replacing the whole system without tracing the leak could cost a few thousand.

Max (ad to the right) is a good source of discounted OEM parts, but I worry that the fan motor may not be the part that you need to replace.

(Also, I am assuming that you have identified it as the fan from the level in the reservoir. If not, the power steering system and the transmission both use the same fluid.)
thanks for the reply.. the leak is coming from the hose that hooks into the fan at the base (from what 2 mechanics have told me) and 1 told me to put in the stop leak =( I didn't know that it could mess it up, since this is my first car that has a hydraulic fan. But it has been over a week since it was put in and it isn't anymore lol. When it's parked the leak is in dead center under my car. it's the reservoir on the passenger side. I failed to mention also that it ran hot to the first notch and when trying to get home after realizing it was hot, it ran scalding and my sensor came on. We popped the hood and noticed it had NOTHING in the reservoir. I parked it and my husband went to Auto Zone in his car and got the transmission fluid, filled it up and let it run. it hasn't ran hot since 2 weeks but i'm having to fill the reservoir up every other day just to make sure it doesn't.

My check engine light is off also so there isn't any help there either
So, if it's leaking from the hose, why not replace the hose instead of the fan motor?
Because they told me that it was the base of the fan? The fan runs normal and it has no problems it just leaks like crazy. I'm sorry i'm a noob (and a girl) lol Needless to say I'm just going to take it to Ford and let them see what's wrong with it for sure. My husband is a mechanic for Chevy ( and a Honda owner) and he is lost when it comes to my car lol. Thanks for all your info though =)
Because they told me that it was the base of the fan? The fan runs normal and it has no problems it just leaks like crazy. I'm sorry i'm a noob (and a girl) lol Needless to say I'm just going to take it to Ford and let them see what's wrong with it for sure. My husband is a mechanic for Chevy ( and a Honda owner) and he is lost when it comes to my car lol. Thanks for all your info though =)

No need to apologize. It sounds like you have indeed done all the right homework. Like I said, call Max at Chapman Ford and he can ship you the fan motor at a discount. However, if you're going to have a dealer put it in, you might as well get the part from that dealer. Either way, you total bill will probably be about the same.
You can also check junk yards in your area - Gen 1 LS's are showing up there now. Sometimes the fans come up in listings.

You can also convert to an electric fan, which the simple aftermarket swap will probably be cheaper than replacing the hydraulic fan motor. Search for some other threads here.

I have my original that I'm not using anymore and can sell it.
I have one out of my 02 LSE that works fine. If you are interested I'll post it on ebay and send you the link. $125 shipped to you. PM me or email me at hite337@live.com

this is a common problem - 3 times for me....
there is a hydraulic hose running from the pump to the fan pump - and it always breaks right at the neck of the coupling on the pump. usually the little spring clip (that holds the hose still) beaks then the weight of the hose works the coupling loose and you get a leak.

the hose is expensive - the effort to replace it is RIDICULOUS. You have to remove the alternator (remove the intake, and belt) then remove the pump, remove the hose... it is one of the more difficult DIYer jobs on the LS.

if it's laking from the hose - replace the hose - no need to replace pumps.
I have one out of my 02 LSE that works fine. If you are interested I'll post it on ebay and send you the link. $125 shipped to you. PM me or email me at hite337@live.com


thanks! that is the motor right? lol
My husband checked it out today and couldn't find leaks anywhere from the reservoir the hoses or the pump so he is assuming it is leaking from the motor. He couldn't pull the whole assembly but he is 90% sure that's where it's coming from. I will get back to you in a day or so to purchase it.

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