I also added new TURBO exhaust tips this weekend!

MonsterMark said:

Ken Motz said:
It was funny that the THREAD got over 1000 views and was the most popular thread on the site for two days! Also, some cool debate over physics and quantum mechanics by many site regulars......all over a pin wheel!

All in good fun! Thanks guys!
Thank God ... I kept telling myself, "NO ONE can be this stupid!" I kinda figured it to be a joke after the 50hp ricer statement. The Porsche picture was the icing on the cake! No offense Ken, but you're a terrible liar!! :lol: ;) Hey, it built up MY post level anyway! ;)
All this posting and Pepperman never popped in.... LOL

This was funny. I am sure hoping that the debate was as much a joke and fun for all as reading this thing. Because I would sure hate to think anyone believed the BS... It was fun Reading....

Hats off to Ken for a great thread...
mespock said:
All this posting and Pepperman never popped in.... LOL

This was funny. I am sure hoping that the debate was as much a joke and fun for all as reading this thing. Because I would sure hate to think anyone believed the BS... It was fun Reading....

Hats off to Ken for a great thread...

It is a good thread, Rich i have read the thread and i am here now :N
GrayGhost1 said:
Day late and a dollar short! LOL!

I sure hope though that nobody was taking this thing serious. I am hoping that everyone playing in this thread was having a good time. Because it was just too funny to read..

I loved it!

Hey do they make those in an Oval Style LOL.... or better yet... I want one of those Whistler installed, with the little gadget that make your car sound like it has a turbo, and then I might as well go with the flames.
I got very curious on this issue so I thought that I would do a little research and see what the world of physics would say about a vortex causing an increase of horsepower.

Kinematics of a very thin vortex tube in three-dimensional fluid may be described by the filament equation in the local induction approximation [1, 2]. It is formulated as ∂γ ∂t = ∂γ ∂s × ∂2γ ∂s2 , (1)
where γ = γ (t, s) denotes the position of the vortex filament in R3 with t and s being the time and the arc-length parameter respectively.

Hasimoto introduced that horsepower hp : γ 7→ ψ = κ exp[i Rs τ (u)du], in order to transform the filament equation into the nonlinear Schrodinger (NLS) equation for ψ. Here κ and τ respectively denote the curvature and the torsion along γ. Since the integrability of the NLS equation
was well known, the filament equation was naturally expected to be integrable. Mardson and Weinstein first described the filament equation as a Hamiltonian horsepower vortex equation with the Hamiltonian simply being the length ℓ [γ] of the vortex. Later Langer and Perline used
this Hamiltonian structure to prove the existence of an addition of horspower caused by an infinite sequence of constants of motion in involution, and studied the evolution of the vortex in connection with the solitons
in the NLS equation. With this concern in mind, we have investigated the filament equation in a curved threemanifold. Although Langer and Perline have limited horspower to R3, we find an analogous integrable
hierarchy in the case of constant curvature. We further study the classical partition function for the vortex Z(β) = Z

Here it is in a simple formula that you can use to see what kind of increase you will get. Typiclly your gain will be from 3 to 8 horsepower per exhaust. So if you have duals you will get to multiply your gains by 2
X = f T + g N + h B,

∇sT = κN, ∇sN = −κ T + τ B, ∇sB = −τ N,​

This all simply explains how you gain horsepower by creating a exit vortex at the rear of your exhaust.

I wish I could add these to my Mark VIII but I can't as I have oval tips and because of the oval shape exhaust would escape at the sides of the spinners causing a 0 gain in horspower. Damn! I was hoping to get a set after reading this.
More information that I found.

It has long been known that a horsepower can be quantized by vortices. Most recent research in this area has, however, focused on the collective properties of interacting vortices and it’s effect on horsepower,: the study of vortex physics on the macroscopic scale (a regime in which a small number of vortices are confined in a small volume) has in general been hampered by the other external variables that may effect the vortices. In this we use a silicon micro machined mechanical resonator to resolve the dynamics of single vortices in micromere-sized samples of the exhaust chamber 2H-NbSe2. Measurements at and slightly above the lower critical field, H c1 (the field at which magnetic flux first penetrates the exhaust), where only a few vortices are present, reveal a rich spectrum of sharp, irreversible vortex rearrangements. At higher fields, where more of vortices are present, the sharp features become reversible, suggesting that we are resolving a new regime of vortex dynamics in which the detailed configuration of spinning sites, sample geometry and vortex interactions produce significant changes in the measurable horsepower response. This behavior can be described within the framework of interacting vortex lines in a '1 + 1'-dimensional random potential—an important theoretical model for disorder-dominated exhaust systems,.
Debi found a great Ricer secret at Advanced Auto.... We figured that with what she found and if we put it on the front of the car it would exponentially effect the results of the spinners giving at least 2 to 3 more horsepower gain and adding the LvC stickers to both sides of your car even more gains. I tried explaining that at the Lombard Cruise Meet to many members. They understood the LvC part as I showed them with a few runs that I made.

It was very impressive. I only wish that i had the spinnes on but because of the oval tips I couldn't do it.
Ken Motz said:
Remember guys, all the late model LS cars have VVT timing and a higher HP motor from the start!

AHHA! this joker thinks the LS has a VTEC!

and i love that he keeps insisting that the "new ls" has "280" hp to the wheels

Ken Motz said:
XS Engineering sells the "grounding kit" the voltage amplifier for the coils AND the turbo exhaust tips! Why would they sell and install all this stuff if it had no effect!

Because in this country, if you can find some schmucks to bs, you can sell anything. Sorry to tell you you wont find such schmucks on this site.

SurfjaxLS said:
I'm a little late in this thread, but I'm gonna have to quote a very influential movie in our time.

"what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul."

gotta love billy madison!
MrWilson said:
AHHA! this joker thinks the LS has a VTEC!

and i love that he keeps insisting that the "new ls" has "280" hp to the wheels

Maybe I am being Captain obvious here but the 03+ LS's DO have VVT which is what VTEC is for Honda's. While the 03+ LS8's don't have 280 hp to the wheels, they do have that much hp at the flywheel. You were probably being sarcastic but it didn't look like it. Eh, who knows...:D
ohhh and let me guess.....you took out the spare tire and you got a 25 hp more
The Funniest Sh!t Ever

I must admit, I really don't add much to conversations in forums, but this one, I just had to comment that I have not laughed so hard in a while. My wife was like, "Are you watching "The Ringer" again? You guys have blasted this guy a new azz about 12 times over and to my amazement, he just keeps on coming back at cha like a bad case of herpes. but to you Ken my man, I have to give you an A, a big azz "A" for effort, bro. I give you what my commanders give when I've done a job well done, Bravo Zulu, brother, Bravo Zulu. now, someone link me to some good sites so I cna start buildin up my 2002 LSE.

The value of these spinners and the "science" they are supposed to support, is much like the "increased HP" you would get pressing the windshield from the inside as you are driving! Or, when sailing in a boat, and adding a fan to "add" to the wind pressure on the sail to increase speed!

The spinners will not increase vacuum considering the total volume of the exhaust system, and the pressure pulses that are formed in the whole "tube length" of the system.

Pretty though, but sorta gay...

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