raVeneyes said:
Where are they going to get 'nukes'? Nowhere, anyone who has them is keeping them because the race is on again. The only people that have enough money to buy a 'nuke' are large industrial countries.
Russia, Pakistan, India, France, China, N. Korea, Iran, Iraq. Nukes are for sale. The IAEA in conjunction with the UN couldn't even protect "explosives", much less monitor and protect all nuclear weapons facilities around the world. Your, "where are they going to get 'nukes'?" was one of the silliest comments I have heard. The answer, from anywhere.
raVeneyes said:
2. Where do you think they're going to obtain 'WMD'...Weapons of mass destruction...let's stop abbriviating for no reason...? Weapons of mass destruction as defined in modern times are either nuclear, chemical, or biological weapons capeable of killing a large ammount of people at a time. These weapons, though from realtively logical processes for the most part, are very difficult to handle, transport, create, or 'weaponize'. You can't just set up a lab in an appartment in tiajuana and produce an anthrax that can be easily spread across a city....you also can't expect to contain weapons grade mustard gas in a jelly jar. You're going to have losses in personel if you try to make this stuff yourself, and you're going to have a hard time crossing a border with a container of it, so the only logical way to attack would be to obtain these things inside the country you want to attack. Either that or attack a border.
Wrong again. As Saddam proved, all you need is a well equipped trailer parked in the middle of the desert and your in business. WMD are becoming more and more accesssible. It is possible and quite frankly, easy to build a dirty bomb. The plans are on the internet now and a 14 year old United States kid built one (radioactive) by himself.
raVeneyes said:
There is no ticking clock, there are no boogie men under my bed, I am no longer a child frightened by lightning...the lightning strikes what is tallest on the field and I'm not about to hold a lightning rod to attract it.
The United States IS the tallest building in the world. And to prove it, the terrorists knocked down the 2nd tallest (2 of them, in fact). Now they want to knock down the rest. You should be afraid, very afraid. Fear is good. It is what keeps oneself mentally alert and on guard. We need to be afraid so we make sure we are alert.
raVeneyes said:
Are you really that arrogant and self important? That's really sad...
Yes I am! Haven't you read my political posts?
I have to be right up there at the top. I think it comes from my failings of being correct almost all of the time.
It is a curse I have had to live with most of my life. I am not book smart, just street smart and I trust my instincts implicitly. And my instincts tell me we are in grave danger unless we ratchet up the pressure on these guys. Your plan of appeasement is a failed strategy and one that we can ill afford to 'test' again. We have travelled down that road in the past and it leads to a dead end(ing for all of us).
raVeneyes said:
It's not 'kill or be killed'...that's the thinking that got us in to this situation in the first place. That's why we're still in this mess.
Do you really think if we went away, they would stop? We should turn over 1/2 of the world's oil so that Islam and the radicals running it could use that wealth and power to bring the U.S. and the rest of the free world to our knees! You think the world is messed up now, wait till you see what happens when the bad guys get the upper hand.
raVeneyes said:
If you knew your own history you'd know why we're here...and plain and simple it's the fight over Jerusalem and Israel/Jordan. The US and NATO were the biggest supporters of the Jewish state and Islamic fundamentalists have long memories...we may have forgotten our role in causing the conflict, but the combatants have not.
We're there because of oil, plain and simple. See, I said it. OIL? Even I can see that. If we happen to help out some people in the meantime gain their freedom, bingo, bonus time. A stong and democratic middle east is key to peace in the world. They have been fighting for 2000 years. We have only been trying to fix it for about 35 years. Give us another 15 and we'll see where we are.
raVeneyes said:
So let's stop training fringe elements in other countries to fight our wars for us clandestinely (Al Quieda is a CIA op gone horribly horribly wrong).
Did you grab that line from John kerry's website regarding outsourcing Bin Laden? Of course you have to train fringe elements in other countries to help you fight to make change. I don't happen to be Arab and all the plastic surgery and makeup in the world ain't gonna change that fact.
raVeneyes said:
Hunt who down exactly? How many slain is enough? Where do we draw the line between a 'bad guy' and someone who is just avenging thier own war dead like we are? When does the cycle stop?
Any country or group of people that harbor terrorists seeking to do harm to innocent people. There will be enough slain when there are no more bad guys. If that is 1000 or 100,000,000, so be it. The cycle stops when they say 'Uncle'.
raVeneyes said:
- There is an option C...that option is much more difficult and demanding than either of the other options you've presented, and maybe that's because it's the only one that would work. The only real option is to stop the cycle by admiting we're just as wrong as the 'bad guys' and finding a peacful plan for the middle east.
You have to read your own writings. They will never stop as long as the seeds of terrorism continue to be planted. Only freedom and democracy can break the cycle. Show me a trouble spot in the world, and I will show you a place where freedom and democracy are not firmly rooted.
raVeneyes said:
Terrorists don't bite, they blow stuff up.
Couldn't have said it better myself. That is in essence what and who they are, which is exactly why they must be stopped or killed. They will not stop. Ever. And if we back off and give them a chance to recover, it's lights out for us.
It's a whole new world out there and 9/11 should have taught us one very important lesson. We are no longer safe on our own soil. And never will be again. If we want to remain free, we will have to keep on fighting the good fight for the sake of all of mankind.