Sorry for any misspellings in the post on my iPhone getting the car fixed and thanks ls2nv
i go to an alternative school now, and they wont let you bring phones, money over 5 dollars, or weapons=keys...these items will be confiscated and not returned unless a parent can pick them up...alot of bs i hate that place
so last night between 3am 6am my ls6 got broken into and they just went to town stole my double din the xenons my school books the spare keys to my parents house and other important keys, on top of other things like my air freshners LOL condoms LOL insurance. Are and regg now I'm out about 500 bucks ontop of me getting the window fixed and getting a new alarm
is ur phone jailbroken?? if so have any cool apps?![]()
Sorry to hear about this. That really sucks.
My car was broken into one time, and stolen from it was a set of keys for another car (my Mustang). Fortunately, the Mustang was kept parked in my grandparents' garage in another neighborhood, but you can bet I got a new full set of cylinders shortly thereafter.
If the parent's keys were labeled in any way, and if the others were yours, I'd be changing all those locks in a hurry.