This is very true. Even though you've been going with her for several years, when you get married it's different all around. One important thing to remember is it's no longer he and she, now it's we. My wife and I are a we, and we've been married 25 years now. I've watched my brother who continued to see it as he and she after the vows. He's been married 3 times and is currently sniffing around number 4, and none of his marriages were happy ones. Lincoln said it best, a house divided cannot stand.
Money is the number one killer of marriages, so you need to work that one out in a hurry. I won't tell you how to do it because everyone has to work that out for themselves, but it's important you work out how the money will be managed and that the management method allows you to accomplish common goals and not just individual goals. In my case, my wife gives me her entire income and she gets an allowance to spend how she wants. I get all the money, but I'm responsible to make sure all the bills are paid and our common goals are met. Of course, if she were better with money than I am (really she's no slouch at it, she just doesn't want the bother) then she'd be in control and I'd be getting the allowance.