I have offically defected.

Don't go anywhere, you're knowledge is still required and respected here!

The G35 is a sweet car, do post pics of her when you can. I'd say that's my favorite Asian import right now, I've really liked those things since the day they came out.

Good luck with it, and I hope to see you here for quite some time.

Actually I'm probably more jealous than anything else. Those Infiniti's are nice rides.

Stick around Noah. No reason to roll out on us... Once an LS owner, always an LS owner. You got the pulled out hair to prove it.
Bacurus said:
I may be new, but it's obvious that you were loved on the boards here...

With I wish you the best of luck with you G35. Hopefully you'll stay around and still chat, and possibly turn others to the dark side.


Many thanks.
I was thinking about that yesterday. I was wondering if they were going to do G45 since they have the m3 and m45. That would be worth going back for more.

JoeyLincolnMK8 said:
wow, sorry to hear noah. would of defiantly been great to met you, exspecialy with a lincoln. but all in all, those cars will last a long time. i do not remember where i read this but infiniti is going to drop the Q45 motor into the G35 soon. so be on the look out for the G45 that is going to be a sick car. again wish you good luck on the new car!
Thanks Lou I have appreciated the help you have rendered to me.

You are right about the boards. I searched one today and almost fell asleep. This is going to be more painful than I originally thought.

Quik LS said:
noah - we'll miss you and your help.

BTW: the nissan boards sux ------
eL eS said:
You are right about the boards. I searched one today and almost fell asleep. This is going to be more painful than I originally thought.
Just bring the rice-mobile over here. We'll do a photoshop of it and pretend you haven't left us.

I feel so unloved.
2001LS8Sport said:
A new house and now a new car. This has to be a very good time for you and your family!

I have come to enjoy and look forward to your responses. I couldn't believe how much I missed hearing from you why you were moving. You have been a tremendous asset to this board.

You will be missed my friend.

Yeah times are pretty good, it didn't arrive at the door step by itself though. I have a great wife ad we both work hard and play hard with our children. Ahh shucks. Well all I did was pay it forward and it is in the water here so I know you all will keep on doing the same thing. This is what makes LvC so great.

I sincerly appreciate the gratitude and recognition. You all are way too kind.
Kevin said:
Don't go anywhere, you're knowledge is still required and respected here!

The G35 is a sweet car, do post pics of her when you can. I'd say that's my favorite Asian import right now, I've really liked those things since the day they came out.

Good luck with it, and I hope to see you here for quite some time.

Thank you kindly sir. I will continue to partcipate as long as my skills are sharp
FreeFaller said:

Actually I'm probably more jealous than anything else. Those Infiniti's are nice rides.

Stick around Noah. No reason to roll out on us... Once an LS owner, always an LS owner. You got the pulled out hair to prove it.


Thanks Steve. As long as the LvC mafia, :D, will let an outsider hang with the cool guys and I know what the :q I am talking about I'll be here.
MonsterMark said:
Just bring the rice-mobile over here. We'll do a photoshop of it and pretend you haven't left us.

I feel so unloved.

I want it to look like a Mark... think ya can pull it off?
I have no idea why people on this board continually call cars from Japan ,such as the G35, rice. It is not rice! Rice is a Honda Civic with neons, a big wing, graphics, fart cannon, etc. Or a Cavalier with those same mods. Calling the G35 rice is like calling Colin Powell the "N" word. I came from the import world before the Conti so i know these things. We considered people who called all Japanese cars, REGARDLESS OF MODEL, rice as ignorant.
CobraConti said:
I have no idea why people on this board continually call cars from Japan ,such as the G35, rice. It is not rice! Rice is a Honda Civic with neons, a big wing, graphics, fart cannon, etc. Or a Cavalier with those same mods. Calling the G35 rice is like calling Colin Powell the "N" word. I came from the import world before the Conti so i know these things. We considered people who called all Japanese cars, REGARDLESS OF MODEL, rice as ignorant.

Yeah! Represent! Wait I said it too HEY :D
G35's are soooo pimp too. The ladies lovem. I really wanted one but i don't have enough cash flow right now. For months i scoured over all the mods i would do to it and spec'ed one out. There are several in my apt. complex. One is brand new black.......with 5% black windows. He/she keeps it clean it is is simply beautiful. Lucky.... :woowoo2:
Yeah I got a blk/blk and need to blk the windows out now. I want to do the 5% but I am too much of a :q , meow :D

CobraConti said:
G35's are soooo pimp too. The ladies lovem. I really wanted one but i don't have enough cash flow right now. For months i scoured over all the mods i would do to it and spec'ed one out. There are several in my apt. complex. One is brand new black.......with 5% black windows. He/she keeps it clean it is is simply beautiful. Lucky.... :woowoo2:
Yeah I could defintely go for a nice 745Li but not too hip on the ls430 but the M45 is pretty smokin though.

lexdiamondz10304 said:
I like the coupe im not really into the sedan. I like huge sedans like the 745 or the ls430
Dangit Noah, you made me search through the threads to find this! :)

You have my email...keep in touch! If we don't talk cars, we can talk trash on EMRs or something else. I am getting ready to upgrade PM in a couple of days and start the data transfer!

The G35 is not rice. It's a nice car. If it was $5000 cheaper, I would be looking at one too! I did start looking at them myself a few weeks ago. Email me some pics when you get them.

The other depressing thing is that this might leave me as the owner that has had to do the most LS repairs now. :) Maybe someone can correct me here. I am not counting "re-repairs" either, so 6 transmission repairs doesn't count as 6! :D
By By -- for now Noah

eL eS said:
Well folks it is with a heavy heart and much sorrow that I make this post. Just about 3 hours ago I bought an 05 G35 Sedan and I turned the keys over to my old LS V6. You folks made owning a lincoln LS bearable and I wish you all the best.

It has truely been a pleasure to talk with all day in and day out for the past few months. If youhappen into the Tampa area and need a hand turning a wrench or downing aber please do not hesitate to call or email me in advance.

If you PM me it will forward to my email so if you have a question or just want to chat, again please do not hesitate to contact me.

I had what I thought was goin to be my next Lincoln LS but when the dealer emailed the pix to me this afternoon I discovered that there were way too many scratches than I could accept.

So I went to the Infiniti dealer and bought the Blk/Blk 6Spd MT that caught my eye last weekend. I got a great deal and the customer service is well above anything I had ever exprienced with any lincoln dealer I had ever visited.

Fair winds and following seas.

Well, Noah, sorry to see you go but I can understand your choice. I too was very impressed with the G 35. Only two reasons that I took the LS. One, the 400-500 lb. weight difference -- the laws of physics say that 3900 lbs. always wins over 3400 lbs. And two, I was able to get a better price on the LS. I'm sure that you will really enjoy the G35. And you will enjoy blowing the doors of those LS's that is if you want to. Regards, Lincolnlov
Noah, Going to miss you on the boards, even though I can't get on them as much as I would like to anymore. We can still keep in touch. Mabey a couple more Beers at the Ale House again. Also don't pay one of these local shops for tint. My son is the BOMB when it comes to tint. He will cut you a great price. And you two can talk about the Roosevelt while he's tinting. He does 1 piece back windows. You will be amazed wathing him. You have my number I hope still. If not PM me....


P.S. And the is still French !!!!
God's Speed and Good Tail Winds!!!

All cars have their issues! All depends on who you deal with them...

I look at them as a challenge...

Good Luck with the G35
Definately comve over here often...but have fun with the new car as well... Is it a standard G35 or the AWD model? The exhaust note on most Nissan/Infinity cars sounds exactly the same these days though...Nothing quite like the LSes lol.

Good luck with the car and the house.


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