Dedicated LVC Member
Cool.. Never seen a 6 tore down.. Can't you push the "box" toward the front of the car enough to clear the intake mount?
...Also the DCCV costs like 151.00, which isn't a lot but I just spent soo much on this project that I think I will wait on that project before I try replacing you think i'll need it for the summer months??? ...
...And what do you guys think of putting a cold air intake on this to improve my gas milage??
I have a torque wrench, my roommates had one that I can borrow but what do I set it on...I know the sequence I have the book and it says tighten to10 Nm or 89 inch lbs...but I have one side of this wrench says (M KPS) M KGS with the numbers going from .7 to 11.1 and the other side says ft. pounds and the numbers go from 5 to 80. So what side do I use and what number do I put it on??? Any advise? Thanks
is that a V8 with all that fuzz in it?
When I changed my PCV, I found no fuzz in mine, pretty clean at 100k.
the DCCV,,,,,,if you are not getting any codes then you may be able to take it apart and clean it. I did this to mine. Take it off, flush system of old gunk, take apart DCCV, clean, clean, clean, polish, polish, polish pistons. Should work like new. Its been almost two years since my last cleaning, still working great. I have report with photos on the DCCV.