I may end up selling my Mark


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 21, 2009
Reaction score
Miami, FL(Home of the rust free MARK VIII's
Well guys, after doing everything I've done to my Mark & putting forth alot of effort into it, I may have to end up selling the car. This is the type of desicion that a man has to make when he looses his 8 year, $60,000 a year job to the current economic situation. After so many years, today they let me go & ofcourse they let me go at the worst time. At a moment when I was in a small financial bind due to a recent loss in the family last year. So the first one to go will be my waverunner but because a water craft is a luxury, not a necessity, it will be harder to sell than the car. I will inform LVC members before anyone else should I decide to sell it. I'll keep everyone posted.:(
Oh man that sux. So many people getting layed off. I was layed off two months ago and it really sux. :(
Damn man....Good luck.

Gotta do what ya gotta do.
Thats rough brother. Hope you find something soon. Luckily thats one thing I dont have to worry about. But I do spend 7-12 months away from the family at a time, so it has its down side too. Wish you the best.

If you do sell, it should go pretty quick with that awesome interior.
Alex I know how you feel, I was out of a job for about 6 months, I didnt hurt as much b/c I had a nice savings and thats what kept me alive through that hard time. I decided to take out my hack license and I got lucky that S.T.S Minority hired me. And since they needed a dispatcher and they saw that I had experience they gave me 3 days to dispatch and 3 days to drive. I feel your pain, if you need anything im here for you budd.
Give me some light, did you already find a job?

I wish I had some light for you. I have beensearching like crazy but the only jobs that are paying what I mad (or close to it) are 100 miles each way drive. :( The jobs within 40 miles are all significantly less and I would make more on UI.
The only thing that really saved me was my aunt dieing (sounds bad but she was the worst person you could imagine) and I inherited the house and property.
Spent the money I had fixing the place up but now I dont have a rent/mortage payment.
Guys, thanks for you support. Well, it's been 24 hours since the lay off. I've thought long & hard & there will be a few options to go through before the 4Sale signs come on the car. I've got quite a few items @ home that I really dont need. They will be going on Craigslist soon. I also spoke to my former boss, the office furniture in my office is mine & the laptop that was used by my assistant is also mine. I told him I want $800.00 for everything. I'll have an answer by end of week. THen last option is taking off the insurance in my car & parking it. If it doesnt run & there's no insurance on it, it is costing me ZERO! Hopefully I don't have to resort to the last option. I don't want to do the unemployement thing for more than 4-5 weeks. So that's my goal & deadline. I will keep my LVC friends in the loop should I have no choice. Thanks everyone.
Guys, thanks for you support. Well, it's been 24 hours since the lay off. I've thought long & hard & there will be a few options to go through before the 4Sale signs come on the car. I've got quite a few items @ home that I really dont need. They will be going on Craigslist soon. I also spoke to my former boss, the office furniture in my office is mine & the laptop that was used by my assistant is also mine. I told him I want $800.00 for everything. I'll have an answer by end of week. THen last option is taking off the insurance in my car & parking it. If it doesnt run & there's no insurance on it, it is costing me ZERO! Hopefully I don't have to resort to the last option. I don't want to do the unemployement thing for more than 4-5 weeks. So that's my goal & deadline. I will keep my LVC friends in the loop should I have no choice. Thanks everyone.

what kind of work do you PREFER?
what kind of work are you WILLING to do?
Tough luck bro, youre in miami? What kind of work do you do i know where there are some openings a little bit north.
Alex if worst comes to worst you can always get your Hack license, i can hook you up with the application. With that license you can drive for any company, C.A.C., Leon Medical, S.T.S, Proffessional Medical Transportation, Red Top, you can even drive taxi with it. I dont know what you have in mind but I can assist you with that. I drive STS they are not hiring at my company (Minority) but we have 3 other STS companies...Zuni, Super Nice Limo, and Handi Van. Let me know. Its a bit stressful to deal with the public and specially with the traffic down here in Miami, but hey you'll make money, you can even make more than 60,000 a year.
Dang! $60k? I don't make that and i spend 6 months at a time in the desert. LOL. Good luck on the job search. I'm sure something something good will come your way.
That sucks... Same thing happened to my sister. She is looking for work in Arizona (living with her daughter for now). Could not find what she wanted here in Michigan.
Good luck to you !!
what kind of work do you PREFER?
what kind of work are you WILLING to do?

Dude are you being serious or dirty? Sorry man, lol, I always have a sence of humor? I just dont like how you capitalized WILLING! lol...

Tough luck bro, youre in miami? What kind of work do you do i know where there are some openings a little bit north.

Rizzle, how far up North are you? We have to get together with 02LS8 as well man! Anyway, here's my experience.

I'm an A+ certified computer technician. I also started doing my network certification but dropped it back in 2004 due to the job I had until yesterday. I was the General Manager for Command Security Corporation. The company deals with alarm systems, access control systems, Security Officers, Security Cameras, etc... My main duties consisted of the following:

  • Maintain & handle the Miami branch budget
  • Conduct weekly conferences with my administrative staff
  • Sign off employee schedules/payroll
  • Handle profit/loss, Income, budget, etc...
  • Plan designing
  • Enhance existing plans
  • Develop & implement new service programs
  • Maintain lisensing up-to-date
  • Meet with my 35+ client roster weekly.
  • Manage a staff of 6 technicians
  • Manage a Guard Staff of 197+ Security Officers
  • Conduct investigations
  • Prepare investigative reports.
  • Plenty more not listed above...

Alex if worst comes to worst you can always get your Hack license, i can hook you up with the application. With that license you can drive for any company, C.A.C., Leon Medical, S.T.S, Proffessional Medical Transportation, Red Top, you can even drive taxi with it. I dont know what you have in mind but I can assist you with that. I drive STS they are not hiring at my company (Minority) but we have 3 other STS companies...Zuni, Super Nice Limo, and Handi Van. Let me know. Its a bit stressful to deal with the public and specially with the traffic down here in Miami, but hey you'll make money, you can even make more than 60,000 a year.

Marvin, thanks, how much is the license? It's not my first option but it's somthing to look into. Yes, I did make $60,000 per year but I'm obviously not expecting to start there. I am fully aware of the current economical situation & even though I have an amazing resume, I'm not the king of the world. I agree with my family & with my former boss though, I need to take a much deserved brake! I was entitled to 3 weeks vacation a year yet I never took more than one. I was a workaholic yet when it came to choosing who goes, DING! DING! DING! ME! I just filled for unemployement this morning & I plan on recieving 3-4 weeks of it before starting to work again. <-- That doesnt mean if the right job coems around, I won't take it. I'll freakin start tomorrow if need be. Otherwise 2 weeks from now I will start putting in my resume EVERYWHERE! I will like to start looking at something around $45,000 p/y & go from there. I cannot make any less than that due to my house, light bill, water bill, etc... I have the experience. I worked in the same company for 8 years + prior administrative experience as well. Let's see what happens.
Alex the license is 120, you wont start making 60,000 but you'll make good money, im pushing 35,000 and im not working all the days that I should. If i was to work all the days probably around 45,000. But this license is a good thing to have as back up.
best of luck, this economy scares the crap out of me.
Well seeing as you know computers and what not you could get on line and see what openings con-way freight has in your area. I am a supervisor and I know that we are hiring for all kinds of jobs through out our network. I know that FOS (freight operations supervisor)position starts out at small terminals as 48k plus bonuses a year(larger terminals are quite a bit higher). It is a stressful job, but pays well. We are 1 of few trucking companies doing really well with this :q:q:q:q hole economy right now. Good luck.

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