I need help please stumped

Bill I have not been able to get back on till now, been real busy at work, I am a Law Enforcement officers and it has been crazy. I will check the you tube video out. Thanks so much
Me. He's not on my list. I don't care about the whole situation.

Now that we've established I'm holier than thou... You guys are all taints. And you guys sometime make me laugh when you're being taints. I hope the people being genuinely nice aren't too put off by your humor, which can be taken offensively, such as

A forum is more of a leave-a-message-on-each-others-phones-back-and-forth rather than an actual phone conversation, so don't expect responses to every single post. If the person really cares about the problem, they'll read your response when they get to it. Don't expect responses every time. Some people make an account, post their problem, get advice, fix the problem, and never log in again (until they have a new problem) without so much as a "thank you".

PS: Youtube, not U tube, but whatever, I'm just glad to see decent grammar and punctuation

You aren't the one they're speaking of, they are speaking of he who has too many wheels because his rig (and ONLY his rig :rolleyes:) is too big.
You aren't the one they're speaking of, they are speaking of he who has too many wheels because his rig (and ONLY his rig :rolleyes:) is too big.

I actually thought LS4me said "I can't think of one"

What I meant was Loud should have a certain person on his ignore list. NOT you.

Yes, it would be a shame to lose him just because of a certain member with some insane theories that just seems to be on here to cause trouble.
Yes, it would be a shame to lose him just because of a certain member with some insane theories that just seems to be on here to cause trouble.

Editing due to Rollin LS's post, since this site doesn't allow deletes.
Yes, it would be a shame to lose him just because of a certain member with some insane theories that just seems to be on here to cause trouble.

youre mad bc i quoted the manual 3 yrs ago and you said it was 'bs' then i posted the exact pages from the manual and proved you wrong... quit your cryin and get over it bubbie. what 'insane theory' are you talking about? your friend 'loud' constantly starts sht...

this thread is a perfect example of you and your minions at work... coils are not the hands down solution to OPs problem, but since someone disagreed w you 'everybody should block them' 'bc its the cool thing to do'
"wahhh we dont like it when someone picks up the slack and helps the ppl we want to mess w bc 'they didnt search' "

your whole post begs the question: how are you gonna accuse me of 'only being on here to start trouble' when you admittedly have me on block, dont read my posts, and have made it a point to waste 20+posts informing others of how you dont read my posts and have blocked me? that makes you either a 'trouble causer' or a liar.. which one is it?

i dont start sht w anyone on here. helpful, relevant posts only from me... unless someone like you wants to drag it to the gutter and start throwin mud.. like you just did with this post... go as far as your friend 'loud' did and start describing gay sex for no reason if you want... see if i care.

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