I Want My LS BACK!!!


Active LVC Member
Jun 5, 2007
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*Houston, Texas*
can any of you guys give me any type of advice on finding my vehicle? i know it sounds like a stupid question, but i really want my ls back! i sold it back in april for 3k to a dude in my city. i was soo stupid, i didnt write down a bill of sale or anything just cash money and he came and got it. smh at myself. but i want to know if you guys have any advice on helping me locate my baby. i made a mistake!:(
Ummm... didn't you have to do a title transfer? You don't have a name or number?

How weird of a thread....
Looks like you're in Houston, so ask the Texas DoT ( http://www.txdot.gov/contact_us/ ). If they'll even do it, they'll probably need the VIN, which should be on one of your old proof of insurance cards. If you can't find one, call your insurance agent; he should have a record of it.
can any of you guys give me any type of advice on finding my vehicle? i know it sounds like a stupid question, but i really want my ls back! i sold it back in april for 3k to a dude in my city. i was soo stupid, i didnt write down a bill of sale or anything just cash money and he came and got it. smh at myself. but i want to know if you guys have any advice on helping me locate my baby. i made a mistake!:(

Indian giver.
I think he wants to find his old LS and take it back since there's no bill of sale. My question is did the buyer title and plate it in their name?
I think he's regretting having sold it and wants to buy it back. He's just saying if he had a bill of sale, he could use that info to find the new owner, but he doesn't have it, so he can't.
im know the guy you sold your car to, hes been parting it out.. doesnt look the same when you sold it now, lol you may not want it back

WHAT?!? you have to be lying! are you serious fam? please say it aint so! i think youre storying because he had a raggidy black ls and he bought mines to swap engines. but if youre serious kick me his info. and yes i want my ls back no matter what! i dont know much about him but i know he stays in cypress texas and is a white guy.:shifty: but real talk i want my first love back. i checked and the car is still in my name so like...what if i report it stolen :D ? naw that would be very wrong but i do whatever it takes to get in contact with him.

Ummm... didn't you have to do a title transfer? You don't have a name or number?

How weird of a thread....

i didnt do a titlr transfer nor bill of sale. i know it was stupid but all i was thinking about was getting the cash and buy another whip.

EDIT: after reviewing your profile i have reason to believe you are lying. lol yeah you got me.
sorry i bought your car, its gone now i cut it up and sent it to the 4 corners of the world. you'll never get it back lol j/k this thread is funny
Here in IL you can go to the dmv and as long as you can prove you owned the car at one time (old insurance card or registration) you can pay $5 and do a title search and find out the name and address of the current owner.
Dude, just buy another.......

NO! i want MY ls back, not another one.

Here in IL you can go to the dmv and as long as you can prove you owned the car at one time (old insurance card or registration) you can pay $5 and do a title search and find out the name and address of the current owner.

thats the thing though, the car is still in my name and he hasnt even fixed it and started driving it yet. so thats obsolete. if i do that search i will be paying 5$ to find myself.
Try craigslist. How did he originally find your car to buy it? Place an ad there.

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