I want Obama's socialism to fail


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
I want Obama to fail....

Exactly how I feel about this Presidency

Why I Want Barack Obama To Fail As President

[snip]Now we arrive at where I stand on Obama’s relative “success.” I did not vote for the man. I do not support his socialist ideas. I stand four-square against his votes for infanticide, his votes to gut the Constitutional right to self-protection, his vague ideas of nationalizing various industries, his intention to enlarge government to unheard of proportions and his softening on terror producing countries. And since these are the things his entire life’s career point to as probable goals to “succeed” upon during his presidency… well, I want him to fail. And I want him to do so spectacularly. If Barack Obama is but a Trojan Horse for communism to push its nose under and into the tent, I want him to fail in the attempt.

Simply put I want these ideas to fail miserably because success for them would mean the destruction of this country. So, wishing Obama to succeed would be hoping for the destruction of my country if success means the accomplishments of goals like I mention above.


So, here’s hoping great failure for Obama on all the things he should fail on and success with those things that are right and good for the United States of America.
And here's why...

Barack Obama's Stealth Socialism

Posted 7/28/2008

Following this discredited Marxist model, he believes government must step in and redistribute pieces of the pie. That requires massive transfers of wealth through government taxing and spending, a return to the entitlement days of old.

Of course, Obama is too smart to try to smuggle such hoary collectivist garbage through the front door. He's disguising the wealth transfers as "investments" — "to make America more competitive," he says, or "that give us a fighting chance," whatever that means.

Among his proposed "investments":

• "Universal," "guaranteed" health care.

• "Free" college tuition.

• "Universal national service" (a la Havana).

• "Universal 401(k)s" (in which the government would match contributions made by "low- and moderate-income families").

• "Free" job training (even for criminals).

• "Wage insurance" (to supplement dislocated union workers' old income levels).

• "Free" child care and "universal" preschool.

• More subsidized public housing.

• A fatter earned income tax credit for "working poor."

• And even a Global Poverty Act that amounts to a Marshall Plan for the Third World, first and foremost Africa.

His new New Deal also guarantees a "living wage," with a $10 minimum wage indexed to inflation; and "fair trade" and "fair labor practices," with breaks for "patriot employers" who cow-tow to unions, and sticks for "nonpatriot" companies that don't.

That's just for starters — first-term stuff.
I want him to succeed.

The worshipers keep saying that he's an intelligent man that likes to learn, challenge his conceptions of things and make decisions based on vigorous debate and discussion. Through this process, I hope he rejects the failed ideology that he's embraced throughout his career and adopts free market principles that will strengthen the economy of the country. I hope he purges from his administration and his circle of influence the radicals who work to undermine or national security. Unfortunately, that's the only I can see success happening.

Here's hoping they don't relocate the terrorists in Guantanamo to any of our neighborhoods.
im pissed he got it and Im more disgusted with Americans than ever before for electing him. The last time I was this disappointed in our countrymen is when those church nuts were protesting soldiers funerals. This is worse! The soldiers dies so those nuts could protest.... its using whats been given to them.... this Nut very possibly could end it all!!
I think I'd rather see him succeed rather than fail. After all, we get shafted if things don't turn out right.
I think I'd rather see him succeed rather than fail. After all, we get shafted if things don't turn out right.
You guys don't get the point.

We get shafted if he DOES succeed with his plans.

:Bang We are so screwed. Nobody even knows what it is like to live in a socialised country.

I'm sure the majority of you guys work for someone who makes sure your paycheck is there every week whether you earned it or not.

Nice and comfy existence knowing someone else is taking all the risk.

Sit back and watch what happens when they dis-incentify the risk. The jobs will be gone. Business owners are going to fend for themselves and your job is going to be gone long before that guy decides to starve.

You'll never understand unless you've worked for yourself and paid your own taxes.

I feel sorry for you guys. You don't even know what is coming and you are blindly following a guy with NO HISTORY of success in anything except using his skin color to get ahead.:bash:
Granted we've never lived in a socialist country, but apparently according to Marx right now is ideal with the majority working class. Capitalism needed to come first for it to work effectively, unlike other communist states. Not saying I want it to happen, but we've yet to really see it work as it should to my knowledge.
U.S. Initial Jobless Claims Match Highest Since ’82

I dont know how to break the news to you.....the jobs are gone now.


Who do you balme for that ?
Obama ?

The number of Americans filing first- time claims for unemployment benefits matched the highest level in 26 years as firings forced more workers to seek government assistance in a deepening recession.
Looks like he is starting behind the 8 ball to me.
I dont know how to break the news to you.

Why do you think businesses are shedding jobs. Do you think the new administration has anything to do with it? Of course you don't.:rolleyes:

In Milwaukee they forced 10 day mandatory PAID sick leave for anyone working in Milwaukee County. Already 900 jobs have taken a hike.
Why do you think businesses are shedding jobs. Do you think the new administration has anything to do with it? Of course you don't.:rolleyes:

Businesses are shedding jobs because people are not buying enough goods to justify the employees.
Now that credit is tight and people actually have to use their own money to buy goods they suddenly realize perhaps they don't need a lot of the stuff they've been used to buying.
Since the volume of sales had decreased (some say permanently) there is no more need for as many retail malls hence closings such as Circuit City, Linens and Things, and other retailers.

In Milwaukee they forced 10 day mandatory PAID sick leave for anyone working in Milwaukee County. Already 900 jobs have taken a hike.

With businesses closing due to overcapacity and people being out of work there isn't the tax revenue to pay these government workers who have historically had it better than people working in the private sector.
900 people leaving goverment jobs is a good thing for the taxpayer.
First of All, the jobs being lost are private sector jobs. Mom and Pop shops are being FORCED to comply to the legislation passed as a referendum that was misleadingly labelled and the sheeple voted for it having no idea the consequences. Whatever,

What you are missing is the big picture here.

The market has been factoring in the Obama administration for 6 months now. Ever since if became apparent that Obama was going to win. Coincidence? I don't think so.

A country losing its battle with socialism as the sheeple vote for the politicians that will give them handouts.

We need CONSERVATIVES. We need them NOW. Not Republican RINOs or do-gooder Democrats.

We need LESS government intervention and taxes.

We need to drill here, and drill now.

We need to provide incentives to the alternate energy sector.

I could fix this economy in 6 months. However, the layoffs in the government sector would be MASSIVE.
With businesses closing due to overcapacity and people being out of work there isn't the tax revenue to pay these government workers who have historically had it better than people working in the private sector.
900 people leaving goverment jobs is a good thing for the taxpayer.
I think he was saying that businesses in Milwaukee County are required to provide their workers with 10 days paid sick leave, and those jobs were lost from the private sector (the implication being that they were lost because of the forced sick leave law).
I think he was saying that businesses in Milwaukee County are required to provide their workers with 10 days paid sick leave, and those jobs were lost from the private sector (the implication being that they were lost because of the forced sick leave law).
My bad. 9 days. You are correct.

If you had a small business, would you move across the county line instead of suffering operating losses that your competition across the street doesn't have to pay?

Politicians have no clue.
I don't think he'll close Guantanamo..

Sure, he'll order it closed, but I'm willing to bet it won't be closed while he's in office.
He has ordered that the detention center (not the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base itself) be closed within one year:
President Obama said:
Sec. 3. Closure of Detention Facilities at Guantánamo. The detention facilities at Guantánamo for individuals covered by this order shall be closed as soon as practicable, and no later than 1 year from the date of this order. If any individuals covered by this order remain in detention at Guantánamo at the time of closure of those detention facilities, they shall be returned to their home country, released, transferred to a third country, or transferred to another United States detention facility in a manner consistent with law and the national security and foreign policy interests of the United States.
-- http://www.whitehouse.gov/the_press_office/ClosureOfGuantanamoDetentionFacilities/
Maybe they should release them right there. Let 'em swim for it, just ignore the sharks and gunnery practice... :D
You guys don't get the point. We get shafted if he DOES succeed with his plans. :Bang We are so screwed.

Personally I hope he's a wildly successful leader. I hope he brings people together and continues to move the country in a direction that most people believe is right and yet is still in line with our Constitution. I hope we can avoid political gridlock and stagnation. I hope under our country's chosen leadership that we cure cancer, AIDS, Alzheimer's, and a whole mess of other diseases. I hope we discover a clever way to meet our own energy needs that will make everyone happy, including the endangered microscopic arctic red-haired stink-fly (yes I made that up). I hope we win the NCAA championship for the next four years. I hope our new leader realizes that my taxes really should go down -- a lot -- and that the founding fathers really would be just shocked at the size of government today. A good leader can adapt and make changes, and I hope he's a great and wildly successful leader.

Do I think I'll get all I want? Of course not. I think that suspending everyone's income taxes for 5-10 years is a far better way to spend a trillion dollars than what's already on the table, but I don't expect I'll get that either. But we have what we have, and there are only a few ways we can affect it. Personally I have no interest in becoming a politician, so I will continue to vote and let my representatives in Washington know how I feel.

But at the end of the day, for the most part, we have what we collectively want. This is essentially a democracy. (Yes, I know we're a federated republic -- I'm talking about the popular "power from the people" sense of term.)

So what good does it do to wish failure on any part of the government we created? If you don't like it, vote the person out, file a law suit, have a long talk with your representatives, work some campaigns, or go into politics and solve it yourself.

That's my US$.02. It's a good think you didn't ask for it, or who knows how long I would have rambled! :D I'm thirsty -- think I'll go get some Kool Aid. :)
I think that suspending everyone's income taxes for 5-10 years is a far better way to spend a trillion dollars than what's already on the table, but I don't expect I'll get that either.
Me and you both.

So what good does it do to wish failure on any part of the government we created? If you don't like it, vote the person out, file a law suit, have a long talk with your representatives, work some campaigns, or go into politics and solve it yourself.
Because if Obama is successful in his endeavors, the USA will cease to be a free country.

By the way, sometimes gridlock is a good thing. The less the government gets accomplished, the more rights we hold on to.

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