I want Obama's socialism to fail

I would hope our president is successful.

I would have hoped that if McCain had won.

I do hope that since Obama won.

To hope for anything else, is unpatriotic.

I would hope our president is successful.

I would have hoped that if McCain had won.

I do hope that since Obama won.

To hope for anything else, is unpatriotic.

For years the liberals, including YOU, tore Bush into little bits, never acknowledging when he did anything right. Many of them said they support the troops but not the war. The Democrats voted for surrender/retreat over and over again, openly opposing Bush's policies in the war and at home, often undercutting and undermining him in public and in secret.

And now you/they have the audacity to criticize those who oppose Obama?

Now you're going to hear the same thing right back in your own grill.

Cry me a freaking river.
And fossten, you are required to listen to the entire thing at a minimum of 75% volume.
For years the liberals, including YOU, tore Bush into little bits, never acknowledging when he did anything right. Many of them said they support the troops but not the war. The Democrats voted for surrender/retreat over and over again, openly opposing Bush's policies in the war and at home, often undercutting and undermining him in public and in secret. . . .And now you/they have the audacity to criticize those who oppose Obama?

An eye for an eye? Do you really want to be like them?
Personally, I hope that President Obama is successful in doing those things which are good for the country, but an abject failure in those which aren't, and I wish him the wisdom to tell the difference. To quote President Theodore Roosevelt:
To announce that there must be no criticism of the President, or that we are to stand by the President, right or wrong, is not only unpatriotic and servile, but is morally treasonable to the American public.
I am sick and tired of people who say that if you debate and you disagree with this administration somehow you're not patriotic.

We should stand up and say, we are Americans and we have a right to debate and disagree with any administration.

-- Hillary Clinton

For years the liberals, including YOU, tore Bush into little bits, never acknowledging when he did anything right. Many of them said they support the troops but not the war. The Democrats voted for surrender/retreat over and over again, openly opposing Bush's policies in the war and at home, often undercutting and undermining him in public and in secret.

And now you/they have the audacity to criticize those who oppose Obama?

Now you're going to hear the same thing right back in your own grill.

Cry me a freaking river.

One little detail you have forgot. (like you usually do) I didnt wish GW to fail, and I sure didnt wish him to fail before he did anything.

Big difference there.
Let me clarify something-
For the past eight years, the political left in this country has WANTED TO SEE BUSH FAIL. They wanted to see failure in Iraq, this can't be demonstrated any more clearly than their desire to retreat. They wanted to see the country embarrassed, this can be demonstrated by the media's coverage of Abu Ghraib. They have rooted against this country. They were opposed any kinds of reform to social security, for fear that Bush might get credit for something. The idea was, if it's good for the country, it's good for Republicans, hence- bad for Democrats.

The Limbaugh quote has been taken out of context, and the sentiment has been repeated by the media as a way of demonizing the political right in this country in a very dishonest way.

However, if success means that Obama and the Democrat party can nationalize banking, industry, raise taxes, and socialize the country- we're better off if he fails.

Obama's success, in this case, does NOT mean success for the country, if that means bigger government, weak defense, and socialism.

Based upon his first couple days in office and his appoitnments, we all have EVERY REASON to be VERY CONCERNED about the future.

As I mentioned earlier, I hope he does succeed. I hope he is pragmatic and not ideological. I hope he goes back in history and sees how badly FDR managed the economy but identifies the success the JFK and Reagan had. I hope that after reading his intelligence briefings, he realizes that the world doesn't resemble the utopian bullcrap he learned in the university system and in his hard-left social/political circles. And I hope he has the integrity to make decisions based on what makes the country strong without regard to political polling.

Keep in mind, we're in a GLOBAL economic down turn. His economic policy already appears to be total trainwreck. If he critically undermines our intelligence and security agencies, a spectacular attack like 9/11 will cause us to spiral into depression.

You're right -- there's absolutely no difference between debate/disagreement and "[tearing the president] into little bits, never acknowledging when he did anything right, . . .openly opposing [his] policies in the war and at home, often undercutting and undermining him in public and in secret."

Bush did a lot right, but I did disagree with some of his decisions. I hope that Obama will do a lot right, even though I'm sure I will disagree with a lot of his decisions as well.
The idea was, if it's good for the country, it's good for Republicans, hence- bad for Democrats.

That's a bit of a leap, I think.

The Limbaugh quote has been taken out of context, and the sentiment has been repeated by the media as a way of demonizing the political right in this country in a very dishonest way.

I totally agree. The media (both liberal and conservative) seem to take a lot of things out of context in order to make their points -- that's always bothered me. The far left seems particularly bad at this. We'll see how the far right compares over the next few years.

. . . .I hope [Obama] is pragmatic and not ideological. I hope he goes back in history and sees how badly FDR managed the economy but identifies the success the JFK and Reagan had. I hope that after reading his intelligence briefings, he realizes that the world doesn't resemble the utopian bullcrap he learned in the university system and in his hard-left social/political circles. And I hope he has the integrity to make decisions based on what makes the country strong without regard to political polling.

Well put. I'll drink to that. :)
That's a bit of a leap, I think.
Unfortunately, it's not.
I don't know how closely you followed politics the past eight years, but this was absolutely a dominant, though not always publicly expressed, philosophy and position.

I totally agree. The media (both liberal and conservative) seem to take a lot of things out of context in order to make their points --
Where is this "conservative media" you talk about?
Let's define it- TALK RADIO. Some websites. And a few commentators on cable television who clearly state their perspective.

Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, don't argue that they are impartial. They may attempt to be fair, but they clearly express that they have a world view and perspective that they approach things from.

And the "liberal media" would be...EVERYTHING else.
What's offensive and dishonest about that is that 95% of it lies to the public and tries to say that it's fair, objective, and neutral, when nothing could be further from the truth.

So when a casual consumer of the news or media seeks to get information, they tune into an "impartial" source like NBC, CBS, ABC, or the NY Times (ect.) and their fed liberal propaganda.

...here's a little picture.....
YouTube - Glenn Beck & Michelle Malkin Bash Helen Thomas!

that's always bothered me. The far left seems particularly bad at this. We'll see how the far right compares over the next few years.
You won't be able to compare, the right doesn't have a platform as the left does. The NY Times or the AP won't take the story, run it, it won't be picked up by all the local newspapers. It won't then run on the evening news. Then it won't be repeated by the nightly talk shows and the Daily Show. Afterward, it'll work it's way into the general perception of the country and reinforced in the entertainment.

It's a propaganda machine.
Unfortunately, it's not.
I don't know how closely you followed politics the past eight years, but this was absolutely a dominant, though not always publicly expressed, philosophy and position.

I dunno... You're suggesting that democrats don't want what's good for the country. The problem is that "good for the country" can be pretty subjective. Olberman probably thinks Hannity is just as wrong as Hannity thinks Olberman is, yet they both seem to think they know what's "good for the country."

If you're hard right then everything will look liberal to you. If you're hard left, then everything will look conservative. So it's hard to know what in the middle. I'm not saying there's no liberal bias in the media in general, though -- personally I believe there is. And I'm not saying there aren't some people out there that really wanted to see Bush fail at everything he did, but I still think the "good for the country = bad for democrats" thing is a bit of a stretch.

We'll just have to disagree on that one.

Where is this "conservative media" you talk about?
Let's define it- TALK RADIO. Some websites. And a few commentators on cable television who clearly state their perspective.

Bill O'Reilly, Hannity, Beck, don't argue that they are impartial. . . .

And the "liberal media" would be...EVERYTHING else.
What's offensive and dishonest about that is that 95% of it lies to the public and tries to say that it's fair, objective, and neutral, when nothing could be further from the truth.

Yes, I'm referring to openly conservative hosts on TV like Hannity, O'Reilly, etc, and also radio, but also National Review, Washington Times, Forbes, Accuracy in Media, TownHall, cc.org, WND, etc, etc. I don't really watch the network news.

The "big ones," of course, are Rush, Hannity, O'Reilly, Beck -- because I think they get the most eyeballs. I have certainly heard them take statements out of context and put hard spins on their stories. (BTW, "the media" to me is not just those that say they're objective -- it's everyone with a large audience.) Side note: We did a trip with Rush/NR once -- he's a real character!

Some writers I'm sure try very hard to be objective. Some are just delusional. But most everyone will see the spectrum from their perspective on it.

So when a casual consumer of the news or media seeks to get information, they tune into an "impartial" source like NBC, CBS, ABC, or the NY Times (ect.) and their fed liberal propaganda.

I would hope they'd check out a couple of news sources and form their own opinions -- e.g. for the news I tend to bounce between CNN and Fox News and decide for myself where the center is. But I think people will usually want to read what they like to read... probably why some mass media are selling out...

You won't be able to compare, the right doesn't have a platform as the left does.

I think the right gets the word out there.... maybe not as well as the left because of the bias, but that's one good thing about the internet.
I dunno... You're suggesting that democrats don't want what's good for the country. The problem is that "good for the country" can be pretty subjective. Olberman probably thinks Hannity is just as wrong as Hannity thinks Olberman is, yet they both seem to think they know what's "good for the country."
Spotlighting, exaggerating, and distorting stories that make the country look bad, hurt the country
These are the blame America first crowd. The ones that call our soldiers War Criminals.
Reporting classified information in the New York Times, hurts the country.
Pressuring the government to prematurely retreat in defeat from Iraq, when stability is within reach, hurts the country.
Talking down a good economy for six of the last eight years hurts the country.
And refusing to accept efforts of bipartisanship from Bush or Republicans because you don't want them to have any political successes hurts the country.

Merely disagreeing with Bush or someone like Hannity isn't what I'm talking about, in any way. Disagreement and the honest exchange of ideas and discussion make everyone stronger.

Yes, I'm referring to openly conservative hosts on TV like Hannity, O'Reilly, etc, and also radio, but also National Review, Washington Times, Forbes, Accuracy in Media, TownHall, cc.org, WND, etc, etc. I don't really watch the network news.
A couple shows on Fox News and some presence on the internet..... and you're comparing that to the entire news and entertainment industry...

Some writers I'm sure try very hard to be objective. Some are just delusional. But most everyone will see the spectrum from their perspective on it.
Pretty much all writers and reporters will have opinion and reporting shaped by their experience and political perspective. That's natural.

I only take offense when you have institutions that assertively voice a single leftist perspective in their reporting while they continue the myth that they are fair, neutral, or objective- while they make no effort to even be so or provide some kind of balance to their reporting.

Personally, I enjoy debate. I think it' great when there's an honest exchange of ideas and both sides challenge them, honestly, with the goal of better understanding. You learn quite a bit about yourself and about why you've reached the conclusions you have when their constantly being challenged by a worthy challenger. But I am infuriated by deception and dishonesty, anywhere. It completely undermines the noble pursuit of debate- and in the political realm, it poisons the waters. Fooling someone into supporting your cause on the basis of a pretense you know if false is disgusting.

The political left (a distinction I make because I'm not include people who just call themselves liberals or Democrats...I mean the politicians, the activists, and those that knowingly manipulate) have this tactic at the foundation of their movement.

The political right doesn't do that. The answer from the right is almost always more information. The more you know, the better you understand things, the more likely you are to arrive at the same conclusion. Not tricking you into the cause, or scary you with some falsehood... truth and debate.

I think the right gets the word out there.... maybe not as well as the left because of the bias, but that's one good thing about the internet.
Absolutely right. If it weren't for AM radio and the internet, there'd be NO voice for conservative thought. It has made it infinitely more difficult for liberals and the media to control the story the public gets. Though, as you've noted, they still have a huge advantage. And this is why people think the Fairness Doctrine is so critically important.

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