I want to cry, Idiot totalled my Mark VIII tonight



I am typing this with my left hand only so this might be messy. I was coming home from Arby's going 50 mph when this red T-bird pulled right out in front of me. I had no time to react and him right behind his driver door. The airbags went off immediately and I somehow came to a stop in the middle of the road. My wrist was cut up fairly well and swollen (I found out at the hospital it was fractured), by knee hit the dash and is swollen up and I have neck and back pain. After the ambulance ride I was imformed by the Sheriffs deputy that he has had his license taken away twice for drunk driving and had a restricted license to drive to and from AA meetings only. He was charged with that and failure to yield. So because of this dumbass the car I waited for years to get and drove 800 miles for each way is totally destroyed up to the windshied, the engine would not even turn over according to the people who moved it. I have had it with these idiots, I have been hit now 7 times in a little over 3 years here in Michigan (4 rear enders, 1 sideswipe, 2 t-bones all the other drivers fault) and I have decided to go on a crusade to change the way insurance works in this state as we have no fault, so the drivers are not responsible for their wreckless actions. The Vicodin is hitting now so I am signing off. I have my hand in a splint and my wrist is swollen and I am still in great pain, just getting lightheaded.
Man that realy sucks!!!!!!!!!!

I'd still talk to a lawer and see if I could sue the SOB.

We have a similar problem in California. Illegal aliens without drivers licenses, insurance, or money getting in accidents. They won't even kick them out of the country after they catch them.

Get better, watch that back.
Damn dude.....that SUX.....hope there is something they can do......good luck man!

That kind of shiznit pisses me off to NO end!
Unfortunately with no fault you can only collect a $500 mini tort and you do not have the right to sue. Here, everyone has to pay for their own damage, and since I only have liablilty (they wanted over $3000 a year to insure the Mark with collision) I am screwed. I am still up as I am still in extreme pain and even 2 Vicodin is not helping.
I'm very sorry to hear about the incident.

The main thing is that you are fairly well and hope that no back or neck problems result from this. The Mark is always replaceable, your body is and good health is not. Hope to have you feeling better ASAP !
So you are saying that you wont be able to collect insurance money even though he pulled out in front of you?
Dern Humpus said:
So you are saying that you wont be able to collect insurance money even though he pulled out in front of you?
That's right. In this state people can damage your property all they want and not be held responsible.
The car is replaceable, you're not, be thankful that that moron didn't kill or maim you. Sorry to hear about it, get well soon. :ballon

Unfortunately it will take me a while to replace it, maybe a few years. My daughter is coming to live with me full time this fall and we are preparing for that and I only work part time while I finish school. I supported her through school and now she is returning the favor, so money is a bit tight. I am so thankful I was driving the Mark though and not my Sunfire, I might be dead or really badly injured if it were reversed at the speed I hit him. The Mark held up damn well.
Hey that Sucks!!! Not only did you lose your health and car but that
$#!+head is going to get away without much loss and no compensation to you!!! Pisses me off!!

I am sorry for your loss Scott. I really hope you are able to come out of this with another Mark someday. Glad to hear you are alright. In the end, all that really matters in life is health, family and friends.
Hey, Im sorry to hear about the accident. Dont let the insurance companys throw you around, they think anycar made before 2000 is worthless. My buddy had a mint 97 town car, got hit in the rear, and they didnt want to give him anything. Fight for what you deserve. But I just want to let you know, I got a mark VIII I am going to sell. If my brother doesnt buy it, its up for grabs. 59k miles. Black. 1995. Loaded. Good luck
sorry to hear, hopefully things work out. BTW, the engine probably didn't turn over because the fuel pump cut off.
Cubster said:
The car is replaceable, you're not, be thankful that that moron didn't kill or maim you. Sorry to hear about it, get well soon. :ballon


Exactly, Hope you get to feel better soon... wanna spare wheelchair?
What a tragedy. My regards and best wishes to you and yours.
funny, people keep saying "at least you have your health" Unless you've been in accident you don't realize that you don't care about your health (unless someone has been seriously injured or killed), all you car about is how much you loved your car. I feel for ya, I've been there before. I hope things work out for you like they did for me where you come up on a better deal and another great car.
Jibit said:
sorry to hear, hopefully things work out. BTW, the engine probably didn't turn over because the fuel pump cut off.

Checked that, switch didn't trip. It makes a short "grunt" noise and does nothing. I am pretty sure it's a starter wiring/general starter issue, but I will not know until I get a better look. The car was still running after the accident, I turned it off and it would not even try to turn over afterwards.
i wish there was some thing i could do for yha man, im sorry, i have had mine for a year and a half, i dont know what i would do with out her. again im sorry , and hope every thing works out.
Yo Scotto.... Your still with us brotha!!! That is all that matters...
There are many MKVIII's out there man. Thank God your OK!!
Here's to a speedy recovery... Think about this... You can park
you ass on the couch and have people bring you everything you need
while you watch the Super Bowl... !!!!

Peace Man!

well damn man, i tell ya...if that were me, i would have taken the drunkin hick, and wripped his own leg off and beat him with it till he was dead. My advice is, learn to be an agressive driver...with defensive tendencies. I drive like a maniac, and it keeps me on my toes, and it keeps me, my car, and anyone with or arround me, safer. my mother drives like an old lady, and people always are not paying attention, and hitting mom...and since the most evasive menuvers she will do is harder breaking...she gets hit all the time. Hell even today, someone slammed on his breaks, trying...i think to do one of them "swoop and squats" on me...and becasue i was paying attention to EVERYTHING, i knew that i was fine to get over into the other lane without looking for someone...and needless to say, i do get into more situiations where i COULD get into an accident...i NEVER do...my advice to everyone. It just may be me, but i definatly feel safer when i drive "crazy."
MrWilson said:
well damn man, i tell ya...if that were me, i would have taken the drunkin hick, and wripped his own leg off and beat him with it till he was dead. My advice is, learn to be an agressive driver...with defensive tendencies. I drive like a maniac, and it keeps me on my toes, and it keeps me, my car, and anyone with or arround me, safer. my mother drives like an old lady, and people always are not paying attention, and hitting mom...and since the most evasive menuvers she will do is harder breaking...she gets hit all the time. Hell even today, someone slammed on his breaks, trying...i think to do one of them "swoop and squats" on me...and becasue i was paying attention to EVERYTHING, i knew that i was fine to get over into the other lane without looking for someone...and needless to say, i do get into more situiations where i COULD get into an accident...i NEVER do...my advice to everyone. It just may be me, but i definatly feel safer when i drive "crazy."

I've been driving for a decent amount of years and there is absolutely nothing I or anyone else could have done in this situation. It's the same when you are rearended at a light or stopsign, there is nothing you can do. I pay atention to everything as well, but when you are 20 feet from someone and they pull out in front of you while you are doing 50 there is nothing you can do. He pulled out to go north, I was going south. I drive around 40,000 miles a year, a lot of it driving back and forth to North Carolina to visit my daughter.

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