I want to cry, Idiot totalled my Mark VIII tonight

Dern Humpus said:
Im still not understanding how he doesnt have to pay for it if he is at fault.

Oh He'll Pay He'll Pay!!!

scott9050 said:
I've been driving for a decent amount of years and there is absolutely nothing I or anyone else could have done in this situation. It's the same when you are rearended at a light or stopsign, there is nothing you can do. I pay atention to everything as well, but when you are 20 feet from someone and they pull out in front of you while you are doing 50 there is nothing you can do. He pulled out to go north, I was going south. I drive around 40,000 miles a year, a lot of it driving back and forth to North Carolina to visit my daughter.

lol, i hear ya, there are those times...btw, i wasnt critisizing your driving ability...just incase u took it the wrong way...its a dirty rotten shame that jackoffs like that are alloud to own an automobile, and use it to further their immature tendancies.
MrWilson said:
lol, i hear ya, there are those times...btw, i wasnt critisizing your driving ability...just incase u took it the wrong way...its a dirty rotten shame that jackoffs like that are alloud to own an automobile, and use it to further their immature tendancies.

It's allright, I'm still shaken up a bit from the accident and I have been taking 2 Vicodin every 4 hours so I am not quite myself.
scott9050 said:
It's allright, I'm still shaken up a bit from the accident and I have been taking 2 Vicodin every 4 hours so I am not quite myself.

Vicodin... Nice... Have a few Vodka Tonics with that... You'll feel great!
Dern Humpus said:
Im still not understanding how he doesnt have to pay for it if he is at fault.

Because of Michigan being a no-fault state. That means if you get in an accident it doesn’t matter whose fault it is, your insurance company has to pay for it. I belive it also prevents you from sueing the person that hit you.
Jibit said:
funny, people keep saying "at least you have your health" Unless you've been in accident you don't realize that you don't care about your health (unless someone has been seriously injured or killed), all you car about is how much you loved your car. I feel for ya, I've been there before. I hope things work out for you like they did for me where you come up on a better deal and another great car.
Im with you If my car was totaled and I was not dead I would be wishing I was. Iv hade two frends in the past 3 years die in street racing related :q:q:q:q. And the ones who don't the first thind the say when there pulled out of the car is always, "Hows the car? Is it going to be ok?" they don't give a sh it about them selves just if the car is ok.
Hey Any Pic Of The Car Afterwrds.. :GotPics: <<just Curious>>>... That Really Sux...another Lsc Gone To Lsc Heaven;(

That really sux.

In January of 2004 I was in my second accident in 7 years. First one in 97. Both times hit from behind while sitting at a light. First time I collected about $100,000, but after Laywers and insurance payback ended with a little over $50,000. I would trade the money any day for a day without pain. Then last accident I got hit by a moron in a towtruck towing a car. Reinjured all the parts that took me almost 6 years to get back into shape. The moron has the nerve to tell me that since it only caused $1800.00 in damage to my van, that is all he should give me in matching funds for my injuries and medical bills. I have over $10,000 in medical bills alone. He was on the cell at the time that he hit me, so I can prove negligence. After this is all over I swear that I will punch this idiot right in the mouth. Of course no witnesses and I may sue him for the damage that I know his face is going to cause my hand. He is just lucky that my 3 year old son who was in the van was not hurt, or I would not be writing this or at least I would be doing it from a jail cell. It is great that you seem to be OK. Sorry about the car, as I know that the physical pain goes away, but the pain of losing the car comes back every time you see one on the road. I hate irresponsible @55holes. Pay attention, be alert, drive every day like it may be your last. And if you can't avoid the collision, nail the gas and make the other driver feel your pain also. (Not really) :Beer
bufordtpisser said:
In January of 2004 I was in my second accident in 7 years. First one in 97. Both times hit from behind while sitting at a light. First time I collected about $100,000, but after Laywers and insurance payback ended with a little over $50,000. I would trade the money any day for a day without pain. Then last accident I got hit by a moron in a towtruck towing a car. Reinjured all the parts that took me almost 6 years to get back into shape. The moron has the nerve to tell me that since it only caused $1800.00 in damage to my van, that is all he should give me in matching funds for my injuries and medical bills. I have over $10,000 in medical bills alone. He was on the cell at the time that he hit me, so I can prove negligence. After this is all over I swear that I will punch this idiot right in the mouth. Of course no witnesses and I may sue him for the damage that I know his face is going to cause my hand. He is just lucky that my 3 year old son who was in the van was not hurt, or I would not be writing this or at least I would be doing it from a jail cell. It is great that you seem to be OK. Sorry about the car, as I know that the physical pain goes away, but the pain of losing the car comes back every time you see one on the road. I hate irresponsible @55holes. Pay attention, be alert, drive every day like it may be your last. And if you can't avoid the collision, nail the gas and make the other driver feel your pain also. (Not really) :Beer

my theory is, if you cant avoid the accident, nail the gas pedal and hope that the 4.6 dohc pulls you outa it!
Hey, Scott is combining what's left of his 96 Mark VIII with my 94 Mark VIII.

Sound like he's going to be back on the Mark VIII Seen soon!!

I am hoping to arrange a Midwest Meet in Scotts area this summer.

I hope all of you will someday get to meet Scott and his wife they are two wonderful people and Scott is very knowledgeable with cars.

So pick his brain LvC members!!!
mespock said:
Hey, Scott is combining what's left of his 96 Mark VIII with my 94 Mark VIII.

Sound like he's going to be back on the Mark VIII Seen soon!!

I am hoping to arrange a Midwest Meet in Scotts area this summer.

I hope all of you will someday get to meet Scott and his wife they are two wonderful people and Scott is very knowledgeable with cars.

So pick his brain LvC members!!!

That would be cool as hell I live in allegan about 30 minutes north of Scott .

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