Hey Guys,
Anyone have this problem or know a solution. I ordered a full set of ignition coils for my '02 LS V8 from Global Automotive on EBAY because they were only $140 and I had one going bad. I figured I'd replace them all since another coil went bad earlier this year and many of you guys on this forum have said you should just replace them all is you can. Well, I got them and had my mechanic install them; actually, try to install them. He tried every coil and said the male end is too large for the female end. He didn't want to force it and even had some of his other guys try it out. Well, no luck. I emailed Global to let them know and after some delay (no one ever answers their phone line and their email responses are very slow), they said those are the right ones and they are the only ones they sell for the car. I don't know what the problem could be? Any one have an answer? I'm not gonna send back the set until I get a response from someone on this forum. Thanx as always.
Anyone have this problem or know a solution. I ordered a full set of ignition coils for my '02 LS V8 from Global Automotive on EBAY because they were only $140 and I had one going bad. I figured I'd replace them all since another coil went bad earlier this year and many of you guys on this forum have said you should just replace them all is you can. Well, I got them and had my mechanic install them; actually, try to install them. He tried every coil and said the male end is too large for the female end. He didn't want to force it and even had some of his other guys try it out. Well, no luck. I emailed Global to let them know and after some delay (no one ever answers their phone line and their email responses are very slow), they said those are the right ones and they are the only ones they sell for the car. I don't know what the problem could be? Any one have an answer? I'm not gonna send back the set until I get a response from someone on this forum. Thanx as always.