Illeagal Alien Problem in your town?

I'm on the West coast, in Marin County (many small cities linked together), about 12 miles North of the Golden Gate Bridge... There's a HUGE illegal alien population living in Marin now. Every fast food, cleaning, manual labor and/or minimum wage job is held down by a Latino immigrant. Were I grew up as a kid, is basically 99% latino now, and not to be an ass, but they turned a decent part of town into a new Tijuana... there’s broken down cars on the street, trash on every corner, guys sleeping on the public lawns during the day in summers, smell of urine in the alleys, the apartments/town homes are all dilapidated, it's basically a slum now. That's the one thing I don't understand, they leave that sh!thole of a country/situation to make a better life for yourself, only to rebuild that sh!thole they left? I don't get it.

I don't like many aspects of the illegal alien problem, the crime they [can] bring, that they came in illegally, free government benefits from food stamps to medical care, in many cases they receive benefits that a citizen would be turned down for. Having said that, TommyB is right though, we have [unfortunately] become dependant on them and the cheap labor they provide... so removing them would require an initial colossal cost to us taxpayers; then would come the other cost of paying more for basically every commodity.
Like I said, until our government starts levying HUGE fines and prison time for people and companies who knowingly hire illegals, there will be no end to the inflow. You can round them up in buses and deport them, waste billions on a wall along the border, and they're still gonna find a way. Let's face it, there will never be a true attempt to address the problem because our goverment "leaders" know full well that to do so would throw the economy into chaos. So instead they offer half-assed plans to build walls (with no funds to build it), and the creation of a national ID, which does nothing but burdens actual American citizens.
If politicians were serious:

1) Clamp down hard on the amount of illegal immigrants crossing the border... almost pointless to kick 500 a day out while 3,500 come in that very same day.

2) (As noted) Fine people and companies that employ these people and pay them "under the table". Less jobs from them to do, the less they'll want to cross over.

3) Register (photo, fingerprint etc.) and allow the ones that have been here for years and have been working to keep on working and make them pay taxes on their earnings. Honestly, we really can't afford to just deport every single one, it's a pipedream.

[WTF is the "lightbulb" for and were did it come from?]
when i was a bank teller i refused to cash any illegals' checks. they had no ID and if they did i couldnt understand it. my coworkers were mad when they mexipacked their asses to our bank on friday nights to cash their checks, 15 in lobby (all out of one van) and i woudlnt help them. i refused to ILLEGALLY cash an ILLEGAL immigrants check because god forbid one is a killer, rapist, terrorist, drug smuggler......because guess who'd be the one catching the crap for cashing it
Sorryful days ahead

I posted this on one of my other forums.
The lump in my throat is still very much there.

The immigration reform bill up for debate in it's current state will be an abomination to this once great country.
My Dad, and many.many before him studied and worked hard to become a legal citizen of this country.
Even today, many are in a legal quest to gain citizenship.
Men and women have given their lives in battle defending the principals of this country.
With the swipe of a pen, all that will be wiped aside in the quest to appease twelve million people who broke the law when they entered our country illegally.
It won't matter that your farther, brother, sister, mother, daughter, cousin, uncle or whoever lost their life to protect the sovrienty of this great country.
What will take presidence is making sure that 12 million illegal people in this country are allowed to deface the laws of this country and tell us natural born, and those who came here legally to take one giant kiss of their a$$.
It is a sorry day for America, and it makes me ashamed to say I am an American.
In passing this immigration reform bill in it's present state, it could concievably open up a giant can of worms.
What it tells every one is that it is ok to break the law, and you will be rewarded for it.
The giant can of worms I speak of is written into the fourteenth amendment of the constitution.
The amendments states, "all citizens shall be afforded equal protection under the law."
Now, assuming this bill passes, and 12 million law breakers are given a free pass for breaking the law, and do not have to submit to incarceration for doing so, It would appear, under the fourteenth amandment, all those in the nation's jails and prisons would automatically have the same right to freedom for their breaking the law.
The law is the law, and it was written to protect society, and instill law and order in the nation.
Now, we are about to scuttle the meaning of law by allowing illegal actions to be rewarded without fear of reprocussion.
The politicians up too, and including the President, have often stated ,"We are a nation of immigrants".
What each and every one of them intentionally fail to add to that sentence , is the word "LEGAL" right before immigrants.
So it has come to this.
I never in my wildest imagination ever thought the day would come when I would be ashamed to say I am an American.
It has been going on, especially in Southern California, for some time now, and quickly will spread through out the country.
What I speak of is the culture has changed .
The demographics have changed, and it is looking more and more like a foreign country rather than the America I grew up in.
When this bill is passed I will ask my state senators to review the fourteenth amandment, and see that all who are in the nation's prisons and jails be freed on the grounds that 12 million illegal aliens who broke the law comming here illegally were rewaded for their effort.
The fourteenth amandment dictates we can not pick one over another, and reward one and not the other for breaking the law.
Equal protection is exactly that, equal protection and treatment under the law.
I have given my heart felt view, and it has put a big ole lump in my throat.
I never thought the day would come.
59 mkIV Convertible
2003 Dakota R/T Pickup
The thread that won't die...

Better be careful saying "ashamed to be an American" around here, as the Patriot Police may come knocking.

For the twenty-seventh time, I repeat: Our lawmakers will NEVER pass true immigration "reform" while big business is lining their pockets.

I've got news for you. Our borders were wide open well into the late 19th century. The Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882 was the first to restrict entry into the country (or in this case bar it completely, based on national origin).

Overall quotas, again based on national origin, weren't introduced until the 1920's. One nation in particular was omitted from quotas however. Guess which one? Mexico of course. While manufacturing advances reduced the need for skilled labor from Europe (where the restrictions were aimed at), farming in the southwest required huge numbers of cheap labor. So it doesn't take a genius to figure out why Mexican immigration was allowed to continue unabated.

Nothing has changed. While lawmakers like to talk tough on immigration, every last one of them knows that the consequences of truly enforcing existing laws, let alone these empty gestures they call "reform", will spell disaster to the economy. More specifically, it will spell disaster for their corporate donors/owners.

We all want our cheap oranges, hotel rooms, houses, and manicured lawns and clean swimming pools, but totally ignore our total and absolute dependence on the people who make it all possible. That's not an endorsement nor is it a condemnation of illegal immigration. I'm simply laying out the facts. You want to pretend that shutting the borders completely and deporting all illegals has no negative consequences, but it is not true.

And your argument that making the illegals legal somehow nullifies all our other laws is silly, I have to say. If congress passes a law that decriminalizes something, it is, by definition, no longer illegal. But the 14th amendment doesn't demand that we automatically nullify all other laws. Millions(?) of people smoke pot today. If it's decriminalized tomorrow, it doesn't make rape and murder legal.

This whole immigration debate just frustrates the hell out of me because no one wants to talk about the fact that no new laws would be necessary if existing laws were properly enforced. The reasons Bush, the Republicans and Democrats feed you for wanting to pass these lame laws are BS. They have no desire to curb the flow of cheap labor and potential future voters.
Moving to Mexico

Interesting thought; I wonder what would happen, if a number of Americans,say 11 million were to go to Mexico illegally?


Dear President Bush:

I'm about to plan a little trip with my family and extended family, and I would like to ask you to assist me.

I'm going to walk across the border from the U.S.into Mexico,and I need to make a few arrangements.

I know you can help with this.

I plan to skip all the legal stuff like visas, passports, immigration quotas and laws. I'm sure they handle those things the same way you do here. So, would you mind telling your buddy, President Vicente Fox, that I'm on my way over?

Please let him know that I will be expecting the following:

1. Free medical care for my entire family.

2. English-speaking government bureaucrats for all services I might need, whether I use them or not.

3. All government forms need to be printed in English.

4. I want my kids to be taught by English-speaking teachers.

5. Schools need to include classes on American culture and history.

6. I want my kids to see the American flag flying on the top of the flag pole at their school with the Mexican flag flying lower down.

7. Please plan to feed my kids at school for both breakfast and lunch.

8. I will need a local Mexican driver's license so I can get easy access to government services.

9. I do not plan to have any car insurance, and I won't make any effort to learn local traffic laws.

10. In case one of the Mexican police officers does not get the memo from Pres. Fox to leave me alone, please be sure that all police officers speak English.

11. I plan to fly the U.S.flag from my house top, put flag decals on my car, and have a gigantic celebration on July 4th. I do not want any complaints or negative comments from the locals.

12. I would also like to have a nice job without paying any taxes, and don't enforce any labor laws or tax laws.

13. Please tell all the people in the country to be extremely nice and never say a critical word about me, or about the strain I might place on the economy.

I know this is an easy request because you already do all these things for all the people who come to the U.S.from Mexico.

I am sure that Pres. Fox won't mind returning the favor if you ask him nicely. However, if he gives you any trouble, just invite him to go quail hunting with your V.P.

Thank you so much for your kind help.

In Minn we are the give away state.
There is more aliens here then a sci-fi movie.
We get them all somilians,hmoungs,Russians you name it we have them.
What I dont get is the language problem.
A friend I work with from Russia speaks english.
The Somilians who own the gas station speak english.
I dont get it.
The Mex living next door to me I cant understand wtf he is talking about half of the time.
Same with the mexicans living across the street from me.
I would tell him to mow his lawn but he would just smile and nod his head.
I have to tell his kids If there is something I think he should know.
What do we do ?
We build a Consulate here so the poor illeagal mexicans dont have to drive all the way to chicago to get paper work.

Then the consul Nathán Wolf comes to my little suburb and tells us how to better relate to his people !
What ID to use so they can buy booze.
The dam cops have to take spanish to deal with the problems.

How come they dont assimilate to our culture ?
Why do I have to choose between spanish and english at the dam cash machine ?
We had a protest here on Saturday.
Advocates decried what they saw as collaboration of ICE and the Minneapolis police, who by city law must not enforce immigration policy.
They thought the police were terrorizing the immigrant community.
When in fact it was a international sex slave bust.

"During weekend raids, agents arrested 25 people and shut down a "major prostitution ring" that operated eight brothels in homes in Minneapolis, West St. Paul, Richfield and Austin, Minn., federal officials said. "

"Paulose said the women were subjected to harsh treatment. In an example cited in the indictment, one brothel operator bragged to Ramirez that two of his prostitutes had serviced 80 men in just one night."

Drugs,sex slavery what a operation.
There was a brothel within a mile of me and I didnt even know it! :eek:

Besides the fact police cant enforce immigration policy !
i live in lexington ky. a very very gay city. i think number 2 per capita in the country. in the apartments i live in most inhabitants are mexican. i cant say that all are illegal but when i have people that can barely speak english knock on my door at all hours asking me if any hispanic family live here i sigh. i point to all doors above and around me but 2. there are 8. they have called the cops on me for smoking weed but when it sounds like the wife is being murdered upstairs and i call the cops nothing happens. the general manager at the taco bell i worked at was illegal making 40-60 grand a year. me and my friend were the only white people there. guess where we were. on the cash registers training non english speaking people the routine so they could take my job. the wendys up the street has non english speaking people running the drive thru. it is quite aggravating enough so to go in and mow'em down. i understand that it technically isn't their fault because the company hires them. im for harsh penalties for hiring illegal immigrants be them canadian or hispanic. i sit here and watch my old neighborhood be "overthrown" by mexicans packing 10 to 15 people in rented houses that where just 6 years ago owned by a nice black or white family. i have no problem with mexicans but when you trash your yard and blare circus music all night and have the :q:q:q:qing nerve to call the cops on ME for smoking weed. ooohh that really pisses me off. i have no problem with people coming to this country to better themselves but, most that i have known and yes i use to hang out with a bunch, most save all the money they earn and in 5 to 7 years move back down to mexico to start a business. THATS MY PROBLEM. you come here to exploit my country and not return the money and then you take it to your depleted land and try to revitalize it and your hypocritical government :q:q:q:q you. they bitch at us about how were so horrible to them. just do some research on how they treat people running into their country on their southern border. im not racist. my cousin is black and one of my good friends is mexican and he agrees with what i say. bout time we start holdin are own. the government is selling us out. sorry for all the errors in spelling and puncuation and run-on sentances. ive been at work for 12 hours at a factory makin my 8 dollars an hour and drinkin 2 of the best beers in the world. Natural Ice and Bud Ice. the third is Smithwicks.
also on another note. ive known of a few that bring 50 and 100 lbs of JUNK weed and make money. take your filthy brick shwag and go somewhere.

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