This past Sunday night, I was headin to a friend's house for a get together. I took the interstate so as to arrive early. On my path there, there was a short stretch of interstate that had no lights on either side of the road. I was in a slight curve in this darkness and decided I wanted to change a song on my radio. As soon as I change the song, I look up and there is this car directly in front of me with NO LIGHTS ON (Keep in mind, there is still no light other than my headlights). I swerved to the right of this jackass. In doing so, the rear end jumped out to the left then the car spun almost a complete 180 across 2 lanes of highway into a decently wooded area to the right of the interstate. As I am slidin, now backwards, I hit on tree around the rear passenger side door, creasing the door closed and bending the rear pass. wheel out of place. The first tree sent me into a violent couple of spins. Around the 3rd spin, the Lincoln began to tip over on the passenger side. Before it could tip, I hit another tree, caving in the front passenger side area of the roof and door pitching glass all over me. Again I spin viciously, due to light rain earlier in the day makin all the grass down there very slick. On my last 2 spins, the Lincoln hit a tree which ripped the front end up and set off the air bags, throwin even more glass on me. I sit there for a moment and notice my headlights (oddly) are still on, shining into a see of Kudzoo and tree branches. I crack my door and see smoke inside the car. It was only from the air bag. I hear some one yellin but in my numerous spins, I was hard pressed to figure out which way was up. So I yelled out to the voice I heard and soon found my direction and simple fought my way through the vines and made my way up the hill. My injuries: 1 piece of glass in the forehead (a pin prick at best) and 3 small cuts on the top of my wrist. Also s stung left side of the face from the air bag. GOD is GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOD
I'm waitin on the pictures to come back from my insurance company so that I can post them here.