Impeachment Time: "Facts Were Fixed."

bufordtpisser said:
One big dose of reality. Followed by a large Captain Morgan Private Stock and Diet Coke.
Maybe the political forum explains my drinking habit formed by my having to provoke and debate the lefties around here.
bufordtpisser said:
Well JohnnyB, Me thinks it may be you who is smoking the crack pipe. I never stated that would not get into trouble for kicking your azz for burning the flag. What I said was that I had the right to do so.

Having "rights" infers you have the LAW on your side. A&B is against the law, thus, you have NO RIGHT. Don't like it like that? Leave. Plain and simple.

But Johnny

Do you really believe that I would lose in court if I had a jury of my peers. Wake up and smell the burning flag. And having right does not necessisarily infer legality. I have the right to protest, my method may be illeagle, but that does not remove the fact that I have the right. :Bang

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