In-dash Nav?


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 20, 2006
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I'm looking at perhaps installing an aftermarket in-dash nav unit in my 03. BUT here's the thing... due to miles and preparing to be out of the country for a while, I'll be selling the car in 6 months or so. So I'm not looking to put in anything too expensive; but at the same time, Lanzar isn't going to fly either.

So I'm looking for some input... are there any reasonably priced in-dash nav units out there for $400-ish (I imagine used is the most likely route to go for this price)? Anyone know of a good source for used AVIC-D3's at a good price? Seems like any of the complete ones are going for $500+ on ebay; the cheaper ones are missing stuff.

Or should I just leave the car as-is? I know I'll have a few votes for leaving it alone...
Save the money if your going to get rid of it. Use the money on the next vehicle. But if you must get something, here is one thats not to expensive

That's not too bad!!! Are those pretty decent units?

It stands a good chance I'll sell to a friend and just leave everything in my car. When I return I'll be buying an 06 LS... and before I leave I'll be picking up an 04 cobra... pay it off whilest I'm gone! hopefully!!!
That is a pretty LARGE difference... hmm... I'll have to think about it
If you're getting rid of the car, I would skip the in-dash nav--I sincerely doubt you'll recover the cost of the system. If you want a nav system, buy yourself a Garmin Nuvi or something else you can take with you.

BTW, where are you headed/being deployed?
Thats nice, but no dvd player or preamp outputs ruins it for me, going to hold out for a Pioneer as I'd want dvd in a double din unit
That's not too bad!!! Are those pretty decent units?

It stands a good chance I'll sell to a friend and just leave everything in my car. When I return I'll be buying an 06 LS... and before I leave I'll be picking up an 04 cobra... pay it off whilest I'm gone! hopefully!!!

I really don't know much about them, I just happened to find it and the price seemed pretty good so I figured I would post the link for you, sorry I can't help more.
yeah... I have a garmin... but I HATE having something stuck to my windshield and the power wire.

Oh well, now that I know it doesn't play DVD's (didn't do much more than glance at it last time), I wouldn't get it anyway. Guess I'll just be stickin with what I've got.
Get something like this for it -


It's made by Pro-Clip. Obviously what you see is the iPod holder, but they make one for NAV units as well. I thought I had a picture of the one with my Tomtom ONE XL, but I can't find it.

You have to buy the mount and then the appropriate holder. If you're interested, I can sell the mount soon since I have an AVIC D3 on the way and won't have a need for any of that stuff any more.
Thanks for the offer, but I'll just make due. It's not just having it stuck to the window... it's extra do-dads and electronic boxes that don't belong anywhere in the car that bug me.

Six months-ish... and a couple of those months I'll be out of town, not driving anyway. No biggy I guess.
LOL... just plot out my route... distance, direction and let my tires give me the pace count huh?

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