so how do these equations explain taking less from haves and taking more from the have not?
Again, here we have partisan
assumtions on your part that need to be justified for your argument to have any merit.
Specifically, your argument assumes that economics is a zero sum game.
This is a long time discredited notion yet it is still assumed by those who buy into class warfare rhetoric and are economically illiterate (but I repeat myself).
The ONLY way the "have's and have not's" dynamic is an accurate reflection of reality is if wealth is a constant; that is to say never truly increasing. Then it is reasonable to view the rich as having a disproportionate share of that finite wealth.
However, since wealth is typically
growing in a free market system (due in large part to the efforts of "the rich"), the "have's and have not's" dynamic simply
distorts reality to fit an emotionally appealing point of view. It ignores the dynamic nature of reality to be able to put segments of society into static categories.
Obviously you did not read something correctly, it was said that Maddow lied by saying Wisconsin had no defecit
Your avoidance is rather transparent.
The point I raised in the post you were responding to was that, in your haste to dismiss me, you
failed to realize that "Wisconsin's version of the congressional budget office" that you mention and the Legislative Fiscal Bureau cited by politfact
are one in the same.
There were no other points I raised in my post, yet you failed to confront that point.
Your "response" is, in truth, a
non-response that
dodges the actual point I raised. I will take that as an admission on your part that the point I raised was
Even though your argument about Maddow here is nothing more the a red herring and a dodge, I will take the bait because it is built upon a lie that needs to be highlighted.
Where did politifact say Maddow
lied? They cited the main point and tag line of the original clip
as stated by Maddow and then
dissected that point by looking at the source cited for proof in the argument:
"Despite what you may have heard about Wisconsin’s finances, Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year," she said. "I am not kidding."
They find that the argument Maddow and others were perpetuating was, in fact,
not backed up by the source being cited in the argument. Was that not true?
Did Maddow
not make the statement Politifact attributes to her? Did Maddow state later in the segment that the statement was false? The answer to both questions is, "no".
Interesting that you have to cite Maddow's
further distortion of
her own claims to defend Maddow against the truth. Let me explain...
In the clip you cite, Maddow is taking a quote of her earlier show
out of context.
You can find the
full clip from the original show in question (not simply a cherry picked single line from the clip as Maddow does) at
this link. Here is the relevant parts of the transcript from that original segment show.
RACHEL MADDOW, HOST: I’m here to report that there is nothing wrong in the state of Wisconsin. Wisconsin is fine. Wisconsin is great, actually. Despite what you may have heard about Wisconsin’s finances, Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year.
I am not kidding. I’m quoting their own version of the Congressional Budget Office, the state’s own nonpartisan "assess the state’s finances" agency. That agency said the month that the new Republican governor of Wisconsin was sworn in, last month, that the state was on track to have a $120 million budget surplus this year.
So, then why exactly does Wisconsin look like this right now?
MADDOW: Why is there a revolt in the American Midwest tonight? Why are we in day three of massive, massive protests -- real upheaval in Wisconsin’s capital city of Madison? Why are we seeing what was described today by my friend John Nichols, a seventh-generation Wisconsinite, as perhaps the biggest protests that have been seen in that state since Vietnam? Why is this -- look at this -- why is this happening?
As the state’s own finances show, it is not happening because people who work for the state are the cause of some horrible budget crisis. It’s not because teachers are lazy and rich. It’s not because greedy snowplow drivers have bankrupted the state somehow.
The state is not bankrupt. Even though the state had started the year on track to have a budget surplus -- now, there is, in fact, a $137 million budget shortfall. Republican Governor Scott Walker, coincidentally, has given away $140 million worth of business tax breaks since he came into office.
Hey, wait. That’s about exactly the size of the shortfall.
What is happening in Wisconsin right now has absolutely nothing to do with public workers. The headline here, the way this keeps getting shorthanded, is workers angry after state is forced by budget crisis to crack down.
That’s not what’s going on. The state is not being forced to crack down. A lot of states do have budget crises right now, but heading into this year, Wisconsin was not one of them.
In Maddow's
later clip, which you cite, she ONLY cites one line from the earlier show, which I highlighted. She is taking HERSELF
out of context!
The original segment was arguing that, "there is nothing wrong in the state of Wisconsin", that "Wisconsin is on track to have a budget surplus this year." She even ended the segment by saying that, "A lot of states do have budget crises right now, but heading into this year, Wisconsin was not one of them."
She then goes on to undercut those claims in an effort to smear Walker.
So, essentially, her argument is that Wisconsin is not in a budget crisis and actually has a surplus, but there is a deficit and it is Walker's fault for paying off special interests. It is incoherent but that does not mean that politifact, in any way, lied about her.
Maddow got caught making an incoherent argument with bad information and doesn't have the decency to admit it. Period.
Unless you can show me how
a state that was reportedly coming up on a 2.2 billion deficit in November of 2010 was suddenly running a surplus at the beginning of this year and how only Walker's "special interest kickbacks" returned it to a deficit.