
no he was serious.. but he's young and full of piss and vinegar too.

you know when the boy first see's disneyland and wants to live there.

Same thing.

Then when minnie mouse takes her head off and he see's it's some gay guy with a moustache, then and only then does he realize the truth to the matter.

Well said :)
says the guy that only "visited" there.

go live there for 5 years..then get back to me.

I've got alot of relatives that "I dont claim".. that live there.
That is reason enough for me to know I dont want to live there.

They are the st00pidest people on the planet, with some really goofy outlooks on life...

They define douchebag.

I'm with you too "relatives" tried to lie and convince my family that if we move over there then we would be closer to "family" and can do stuff...Turns out my little brother overheard them clearly, stating my name and a few others clearly, that they are just trying to have us over there to lease out their properties and could care less about us...they're cheap, stingy, flashy, and care about their own benefits......

How did we get from Inspections to people dissing family members???

There are already many states that have strict inspection codes like California.

Massachusetts is one of them.

The bottom line, here, as far as safety and emmisions equipment goes is: "If it came as standard equipment on the vehicle, It must be on the vehicle in proper operating condition."

This includes things like windshield and headlight washers.

Even if the vehicle passes emissions testing, the inspector is supposed to visually inspect the vehicle to verify that items such as smog pumps, egr valves, vapor canisters, catalytic converters, etc... are actually on the vehicle.

I do believe that the state goes way too far in it's requirements.

The fact that a vehicle passes emissions testing should be the determining factor as to whether or not it passes; not what equipment is on the vehicle.

As far as safety items go, I agree that there should some accountability on the owners part to ensure that his vehicle is safe to drive and will not a menace on the roads to others. I like the idea that all the vehicles 'are supposed to have' good brakes, tires and front end components in order to be using our roads. Many people will, if not regulated, allow these components to wear out and fail causing injury and death to innocent people.

However; I think rejecting a vehicle because it's windshield washers don't work is absurd.

In my youth, I thought that any regulation was wrong.

Now that I am "mature", I recognize that there should be some accountability on the owners part to ensure that my vehicle and my body aren't damaged just because they don't care enough to keep their vehicles in a safe and reliable condition.

How did we get from Inspections to people dissing family members???

Reason 1: the original post wasn't a "question" or "issue" that needed addressing nor follow up.

Reason 2: The original poster didn't return..



Oh yea..also?

Pay no attention the thread title, the last post in the thread RARELY resembles or refers to the thread title or subject.

reason 3 THIS IS LVC!


you YES you can increase your post count by 1 by simply hitting the reply or quote button at the bottom of the page!
Now to steer this back on topic

my weirdafornia relatives failed visual inspection and emissions inspection.

One almost died from the extreme heat and humidity that severly clogged the air intake system

ALL of them had their Check Engine Light bulbs removed.

One was so unsafe it couldn't be driven on Texas roads any longer and had to be "FLOWN" out of the state.

Even if the vehicle passes emissions testing, the inspector is supposed to visually inspect the vehicle to verify that items such as smog pumps, egr valves, vapor canisters, catalytic converters, etc... are actually on the vehicle..

so could we mount all the removed items to a board in the trunk and when they ask you say.. YES they are all still on the car.
(I know it wont work)
all the required parts must be in place and "functioning"...


could I tell them they are "in place" and "functioning" because their function is "ballast"?


(shameless point count +1)
Now, I have no problem with keeping vehicles safe for the environment.

But when there is a LAW that states I have to have a device on my car that is a FARCE and has NO impact on cars emissions then I have to disagree.

Example.. the "smog pump" or Thermactor pump as it's known on our cars.
THAT is a farce.

Injecting outside air into the exhaust system does not decrease emissions...
If you measure PPM {parts per million} the number of hydrocarbons is the same.
But if you used "goofy math" measure "percentages" the smog pump being on does show a "decreased percentage".

my point is...87 hydrocarbons is 87 hydrocarbons regardless of how many air molecules you add to it.
Only nice thing about Michigan is there are 0 inspections. Then again there are a lot of p.o.s. cars on the road but ehh, lets me mod and not worry about stuff. Either way I can't wait to leave this state.

Secondary Air is supposed to help convert Hydrocarbons and Carbon Monoxide into Carbon Dioxide and H20 by adding Oxygen to the exhaust until the cats reach operating temperatures. I've never measured if it actually works though... I have measured exhaust emissions, but never did a comparison to see what levels came out with out and with a secondary air system. Either way emissions levels are incredibly low as is.
hey....test before your post....smog pumps work...

until the car hits running temperature when they do nothing more than increase the drag on the motor, suck out a little HP, ultimatly lowering your overall for your first 4 mins of running you benefit from it, the next 20 mins on your way to work, lunch, and after work you are just sucking more fossil fuels for nothing...

my point, quite simply is it does help

(about 4% of the time, the other 96% it has the has an actual negitive effect...but we wont talk about that; i used to live in cali, and we cant let facts negate an argument of stupidity)
Only nice thing about Michigan is there are 0 inspections. .

Of course the "home of the motor city" wouldn't do something so stupid as the "home of the tree huggers" would.

Growing up in the south we were taught the people from the north were dumbass yankees, the older I got I quickly realized the "yankees" weren't the was the LEFT COAST YAHOO's that were the problem.

yea... I said Yankee. SUE ME!
This is easy, can't believe you guys don't know this emissions stuff. Any car 1996 or newer is OBDII and a simple plug in can read the computer, and say whether or not the emissions systems are inline working. Pulling the bulb, still fail. If the car is 1995 or older, the ol sniff test is required. Easily bypassed by simply getting your car extremely hot right before the test. The hotter it is, the more :q:q:q:q it burns off before the sniffer gets a whiff. Faking an OBDII test is nearly impossible. You can't reset the light with a scanner and just go, cause the systems are offline and they can tell. In GA, at least 6 of the 7 systems must be online and functionally working. We have found a way to sneak the 96-99 OBDII test by, but the tester will pop you for 150 bucks if you can find one that will do it. 2000 and up, you gotta pony up and fix it.

I remember NC rules from back in the day, safety and emissions. We don't have safety in ga. Safety can fail simply for a cracked winshield, small hole in the exhaust, improperly aimed headlights, and so forth miniscule bull:q:q:q:q
that was my point helps...defeat its own purpose.

out of the sarcasim me farce would say it doesn't serve its inteneded purppose...anything that only works 4% of the time, and is litterally counter productive 96% of the time is not a farce, it total BS
This is easy, can't believe you guys don't know this emissions stuff. Any car 1996 or newer is OBDII and a simple plug in can read the computer, and say whether or not the emissions systems are inline working. Pulling the bulb, still fail. If the car is 1995 or older, the ol sniff test is required. Easily bypassed by simply getting your car extremely hot right before the test. The hotter it is, the more :q:q:q:q it burns off before the sniffer gets a whiff. Faking an OBDII test is nearly impossible. You can't reset the light with a scanner and just go, cause the systems are offline and they can tell. In GA, at least 6 of the 7 systems must be online and functionally working. We have found a way to sneak the 96-99 OBDII test by, but the tester will pop you for 150 bucks if you can find one that will do it. 2000 and up, you gotta pony up and fix it.

I remember NC rules from back in the day, safety and emissions. We don't have safety in ga. Safety can fail simply for a cracked winshield, small hole in the exhaust, improperly aimed headlights, and so forth miniscule bull:q:q:q:q

Of course this stuff is easy... but it varies by state, so what you just said doesn't apply to everyone. And here in my state, it varies by County, and sometimes by municipality - some use a visual exam, some do tailpipe testing, some do everything, blah blah blah.

Faking an OBDII test, however, is fairly easy. A chip will do it just fine. My smog pump is no longer working, and my catalytic converters are for appearance only, but according to my car's computer, both are working perfectly :) My car will pass every type of emissions test except the sniffer.
I'd like to know a little more about that, as My navigator won't pass and I'd like to shut down the entire emissions control system. (i'm tired of $150 to pass really)

And you're right it does vary alot, even by mood of the inspector. But Metro Atlanta is pretty stringent and probably the 2nd toughest out there, second only to CA

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