As a parts guy at a dealership I can tell you first hand that this probably isnt crap, this happens all the time and it sucks just as bad on the other end of the phone. To be honest with you, they probably ARE talking to thier supplier (which is PROBABLY intrax themselves ) and they probably dont really know when it will solidly be. Springs for LS's probably aren't there hot mover. They are more worried about filling the million orders they have for civics, Integras and late model mustangs as this is where the money is. Are you going to tie your machines up for a week changing the tooling and making the 50 ish orders of LS springs? Or keep them the way they are and fill the 10,000 orders for your "money makers". These numbers are obviouslly exagerated, but you get the idea. It sucks, but thats business. My suggestion, make a couple calls, see if you can find them in stock somewhere. You'll probably pay more for them, but hey, thats your call. Is an extra $50 out of pocket worth getting them a month earlier? Thats no ones call but yours.
(Absolutelly no attitude in this if any was interpitted, just giving my .02 on what "could" be happening)