Iran's Ahmadinejad May Have 'Cataclysmic Events' In Mind For August 22


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WSJ: Scholar Warns Iran's Ahmadinejad May Have 'Cataclysmic Events' In Mind For August 22
Tue Aug 08 2006 10:22:35 ET

In a WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed Tuesday, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes: "There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."

"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).

"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."

Just like hiroshima and nagasaki, we should strike first
stang99x said:
Just like hiroshima and nagasaki, we should strike first

...and level Tehran.

First, Tomahawk missiles to take out SAM sites. Then F-117s to take out AA batteries. Then B-1s to destroy all pertinent infrastructure and communications. Then a wave B-52s to absolutely obliterate all that's left.

As Ann Coulter said, bomb them back to where they can't even make a transistor radio. These guys are from the 7th century, let's send them back there.
Actually, I was thinking more in the line of.....



and finally leaving them with.......

Calabrio said:
WSJ: Scholar Warns Iran's Ahmadinejad May Have 'Cataclysmic Events' In Mind For August 22
Tue Aug 08 2006 10:22:35 ET

In a WALL STREET JOURNAL op-ed Tuesday, Princeton's Bernard Lewis writes: "There is a radical difference between the Islamic Republic of Iran and other governments with nuclear weapons. This difference is expressed in what can only be described as the apocalyptic worldview of Iran's present rulers."

"In Islam as in Judaism and Christianity, there are certain beliefs concerning the cosmic struggle at the end of time -- Gog and Magog, anti-Christ, Armageddon, and for Shiite Muslims, the long awaited return of the Hidden Imam, ending in the final victory of the forces of good over evil, however these may be defined."

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad "and his followers clearly believe that this time is now, and that the terminal struggle has already begun and is indeed well advanced. It may even have a date, indicated by several references by the Iranian president to giving his final answer to the US about nuclear development by Aug. 22," which this year corresponds "to the 27th day of the month of Rajab of the year 1427. This, by tradition, is the night when many Muslims commemorate the night flight of the prophet Muhammad on the winged horse Buraq, first to 'the farthest mosque,' usually identified with Jerusalem, and then to heaven and back (c.f., Koran XVII.1).

"This might well be deemed an appropriate date for the apocalyptic ending of Israel and if necessary of the world. It is far from certain that Mr. Ahmadinejad plans any such cataclysmic events precisely for Aug. 22. But it would be wise to bear the possibility in mind."


I do not doubt that Mahmoud Ahmadin would never use nukes, but seriously, he may think its holy or what God calls for, but he has to be intelligent enough to realize the consequences. If he nukes Tel Aviv, he knows he will receive at the very least one nuke back from Israel and the UN will turn their backs on him, if he nukes American soil, be it San Francisco, New York or Topeka Kansas, he would certainly expect a nuke delivered directly upon his head at the hands of America, especially America with a Republican in charge. What I'm saying I guess, does the president of Iran really have the balls/insanity to sacrifice himself?
95DevilleNS said:
What I'm saying I guess, does the president of Iran really have the balls/insanity to sacrifice himself?

Yes. Islam is a death cult.
The nukes would force the world to listen to him and take him seriously.
Just like North Korea. A major bargaining chip. Besides that going after the U.S.A would be the best for him. Since the U,S has cause allot of the problems. well in there eyes. they still blame the u.s for Israel. from what I understand they can hold one hell of a grudge !!! they will wait 5- 60 years if that is what it takes to get there revenge. they have done it the past.

as far as nuking the place and bombing them back the middle ages...well that would be a upgrade to a few of those countries.
But no one wants to be the ones to destroy the world. That is a really heavy karma thing even in religion. You will be killing your own people and the innocents as well.
they where worried about this same thing 20 years ago. I guess we really are on a 20 year cycle...
Calabrio said:
Yes. Islam is a death cult.

I think that's over simplified reasoning; personal prejudice aside, you must realize that not all Islam is radical Islam. Also, take into consideration, this guy is living large, he's the president, he can most likely stay president for as long as he likes, why kill yourself for the promise of heavenly virgins when if he wants, he can have women shipped in from around the world and have an oily orgy in the presidential palace. He certainly has the financial and political means for that and a whole lot more. No possibility he’s full of 'doodoo' and just likes to stomp and scream for affect?
Boo Fossten for quoting Ann Coulter. It is like quoting Michael Moore.

I'm sure the virgins in the afterlife are more acceptable religion-wise than just grabbing a bunch in real life.
I'm sure the virgins in the afterlife are more acceptable religion-wise than just grabbing a bunch in real life.

Did you watch tonight's episode of "Rescue Me"? Dennis Leary had a big debate with a Pakastani Muslim cab driver on the situation and it was pretty damn funny :lol:
95DevilleNS said:
I think that's over simplified reasoning; personal prejudice aside, you must realize that not all Islam is radical Islam.
I think you would be deeply concerned to learn just how "radical" mainstream Islam is, and how quickly it could become it.

Also, take into consideration, this guy is living large, he's the president, he can most likely stay president for as long as he likes, why kill yourself for the promise of heavenly virgins when if he wants, he can have women shipped in from around the world and have an oily orgy in the presidential palace.
He's not a king. He's not even really a dictator. He's not the most powerful person in that country. It's a theocractic system.

Hussein was a secular guy and your argument would apply there, this is not the case with Ahmadinejad.

He certainly has the financial and political means for that and a whole lot more. No possibility he’s full of 'doodoo' and just likes to stomp and scream for affect?
Anything is possible.
But I wouldn't want to bet my life or your life on it. Or the existance of Israel.

We all need to acknowledge that these people have declared war on us, we just have not recognized it yet. By giving them the benefit of the doubt, by rationalizing their motivations using Western reason, and by trying to define the threat in the most politically correct terms we can think of, we harm ourself. We engage in infighting while guys like Ahmadinejad and Iran build and buy nuclear weapons rich on $77/barrel oil, preparing to defeat us.

Iran is causing the problems in Iraq. Iran is causing the problems in Syria. Iran is causing the problems in Lebanon. Iran is causing the problems in Europe. And Iran will probably be responsible for causing problems domestically here in time too.

This is another reason why it's so frustrating to here partisan democrats complaining that "Bush isn't focusing enough on capturing Bin Laden." When you hear that, you KNOW the person has no idea what they are talking about. Bin Laden is a figure head, he was a fundraising man. It'd be nice to catch him, but he's NOT the head of the snake. The war on terror is NOT just a war with Al-Queda. It is a war with Islam. If it makes you feel better I can say "Islamo-fascists" but, frankly, it's one in the same.

Islam is a death cult. It has always been a death cult and it continues to be. It is not peaceful. It has never been peaceful. It is the cause of virtually every conflict taking place in the world right now. Virtually everywhere you find an Islamic majority, you also find a genocide or civil war.

We'd all better get a war footing very,very fast.
evillally said:
Did you watch tonight's episode of "Rescue Me"? Dennis Leary had a big debate with a Pakastani Muslim cab driver on the situation and it was pretty damn funny :lol:
I haven't really got into Rescue Me yet. As of now most of my time is concentrated on renting/ripping The Shield. Sweet ass show. Netflix is also sweet.
Nobody better do any dirty business on Aug 22, that is my birthday and man I would be pissed.

Anyway, Calabrio, you're right, Islam is a death cult. So is any and all religion, but as an American we're pissed at Islam now so lets single them out.

That is all.
MediumD said:
Anyway, Calabrio, you're right, Islam is a death cult. So is any and all religion, but as an American we're pissed at Islam now so lets single them out.

That is all.

You're statement is absolutely incorrect. There is nothing about any of the other major world religions that resembles a death cult. I could argue to the contrary but since you made the statement, you should try to support it.
First you can say what exactly you mean by 'death cult.' You say they're the root of almost every conflict taking place now. The near civil war in Iraq is caused by the Shiites and Sunni, kinda sounds like how the Protestants and Catholics have been slaughtering each other for centuries. Are Christians a death cult? The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel is Muslims fighting Jews, which is actually pretty hard to pin down who exactly started that one. Does this mean any participants in a religious war are a death cult?

BTW, my neighbor is a Muslim. What do you think would be a good way to kill him?
MediumD said:
First you can say what exactly you mean by 'death cult.'
No I didn't. But I think the language is self-explanatory.

You say they're the root of almost every conflict taking place now. The near civil war in Iraq is caused by the Shiites and Sunni, kinda sounds like how the Protestants and Catholics have been slaughtering each other for centuries. Are Christians a death cult?
Where are Christians and Protestants slaughtering each other?

And how were any of these wars consistant with the teaching of Christianity and not merely the result of the bastardization of the doctrine?

The conflict between Hezbollah and Israel is Muslims fighting Jews, which is actually pretty hard to pin down who exactly started that one.
Actually, it's remarkably easy to determine who started that one. Hezbollah.

Does this mean any participants in a religious war are a death cult?
No. But review the history of the founder of Islam, learn about how it was initially spread at the tip of sword through out that region, and most of all, understand the embrace of death. It's been clearly stated repeatedly by Muslims, they love death as much as western societies embrace life. There is nothing peaceful about the religion or how it is practiced. It doesn't embrace knowledge, peace, or tolerance. It embraces death.

Do you see any Jewish babies wearing bomb belts?

You've failed to make your point, and a five hundred year old religious war is not relevant. Nor does it address the teaching and philosophical differences.

BTW, my neighbor is a Muslim. What do you think would be a good way to kill him?
Probably by making him sit in a room and listening to your logic..... he'll take his own life
MediumD said:
Are you a Christian?

If so, have you ever heard something about 'thou shalt not kill?'

Actually, is more accurately translated as "thou shall not murder." Judeo-Christian teaching doesn't say you should be a victim or fail to defend yourself, your family, or your country.
95DevilleNS said:
I do not doubt that Mahmoud Ahmadin would never use nukes, but seriously, he may think its holy or what God calls for, but he has to be intelligent enough to realize the consequences. If he nukes Tel Aviv, he knows he will receive at the very least one nuke back from Israel and the UN will turn their backs on him, if he nukes American soil, be it San Francisco, New York or Topeka Kansas, he would certainly expect a nuke delivered directly upon his head at the hands of America, especially America with a Republican in charge. What I'm saying I guess, does the president of Iran really have the balls/insanity to sacrifice himself?

You're missing the most important element: He doesn't have to do it himself. He can assign the nuke to Hezbollah or Al Qaeda and let them do the dirty work, and then nobody knows for sure that he did it. He can deny it. Either way, it makes it harder to retaliate when you can't PROVE that he nuked San Fran. Just look at the outcry over the Iraq war. You really think the US would have the political will to go after Iran without a 'smoking gun?'

And therein lies the biggest problem.

No, my friend, it's much safer not to let wackos like that have nukes.
Calabrio said:
Where are Christians and Protestants slaughtering each other?

Like I said they have, off and on, for what 500 years? Most recent example would probably be a place called N Ireland.

And how were any of these wars consistant with the teaching of Christianity and not merely the result of the bastardization of the doctrine?

Ah, yes, more people thinking 'well God likes us better than he likes you.'

Actually, it's remarkably easy to determine who started that one. Hezbollah.

You mean Muslims and Jews have only been fighting for the past 4 weeks? Wow and here I was thinking it had been going on for a thousand years.

No. But review the history of the founder of Islam, learn about how it was initially spread at the tip of sword through out that region, and most of all, understand the embrace of death. It's been clearly stated repeatedly by Muslims, they love death as much as western societies embrace life. There is nothing peaceful about the religion or how it is practiced. It doesn't embrace knowledge, peace, or tolerance. It embraces death.

So now you're an expert on Islam?

And yet you fail to recognise the hundreds of millions of Muslims who DO live peaceful lives, who have chosen to interpret the Koran in a peaceful way?

You've failed to make your point, and a five hundred year old religious war is not relevant. Nor does it address the teaching and philosophical differences.

Your point is that you hate every Muslim. My point is that you shouldn't be such a steriotypical intolerant racist.
Calabrio said:
Actually, is more accurately translated as "thou shall not murder." Judeo-Christian teaching doesn't say you should be a victim or fail to defend yourself, your family, or your country.

So your translation of that commandment is the same as many translations of the Koran regarding Jihad (don't go around murdering people, but defend yourself if you must.) Well if that's not irony...
MediumD said:
Like I said they have, off and on, for what 500 years? Most recent example would probably be a place called N Ireland.

Ah, yes, more people thinking 'well God likes us better than he likes you.'

You mean Muslims and Jews have only been fighting for the past 4 weeks? Wow and here I was thinking it had been going on for a thousand years.

So now you're an expert on Islam?

And yet you fail to recognise the hundreds of millions of Muslims who DO live peaceful lives, who have chosen to interpret the Koran in a peaceful way?

Your point is that you hate every Muslim. My point is that you shouldn't be such a steriotypical intolerant racist.

If you're going to engage in this kind of hate-rhetoric and name-calling, maybe you should go post somewhere else, like Huff 'N' Puff or DailyKos. You have no evidence with which to back up your attacks, and you're not even making a logical argument. Bad form. :mad:
fossten said:
If you're going to engage in this kind of hate-rhetoric and name-calling, maybe you should go post somewhere else, like Huff 'N' Puff or DailyKos. You have no evidence with which to back up your attacks, and you're not even making a logical argument. Bad form. :mad:


Hate rhetoric and name calling? I think branding an entire religion a "DEATH CULT" qualifies as some pretty good hate rhetoric and name calling in and of itself. Should I see such a thing, I will respond in kind.
MediumD said:
Like I said they have, off and on, for what 500 years? Most recent example would probably be a place called N Ireland.
And, if you were better informed, you would know that the conflict with the North Irish was primarily political. This is reinforced by the fact that the IRA was predominantly made up of communists.

And again, how is it consistant with the teaching and philosophy of the bible? That's the big difference, humans can bastardize any document, teacher, or philosophy. Islam has never been peaceful, never was peaceful, wasn't founded by a peaceful man, and wasn't spread peacefully. In embraces death, it embraces violence. It is a death cult.

Ah, yes, more people thinking 'well God likes us better than he likes you.'
People can fight over any number of things. That's human nature and an issue seperate from this conversation.

Arguably, the difference is that Christianity and the other major religions teach us to refrain from engaging in that behavior. Islam embraces it.

You mean Muslims and Jews have only been fighting for the past 4 weeks? Wow and here I was thinking it had been going on for a thousand years.
You said hezbollah, did you not?
Regarding the "thousands of years" element... yeah- the Jews were enslaved thousands of years ago. The modern problems started about a hundred years ago when the Muslims began rioting in the cities with majority Jewish populations and the British (who were controling the area) didn't do anything to stop it.

But, again, it was the Muslims who attacked unprovoked.

So now you're an expert on Islam?
No, I'm not an expert. I've been reading up on it.
But more importantly, I've studied the region and it's history.

And yet you fail to recognise the hundreds of millions of Muslims who DO live peaceful lives, who have chosen to interpret the Koran in a peaceful way?
I consider those people the exception.
But I also am very concerned just how they would respond if they were asked to chose between their religion and their country. If muftis decreed that there was a religious war with the West, which side would they pick.

When I've asked this question, or I've heard it asked, the answer always is "well that wouldn't happen." But, when pressed, they acknowledge, that if the teaching of Islams says to do it, they will.

Allegiance to Islam comes before the commitment to state.

Your point is that you hate every Muslim. My point is that you shouldn't be such a steriotypical intolerant racist.
No, I don't hate every Muslim. I just have come to recognize that they are members of a destructive Death Cult that is destabilizing the world.

I don't dislike the people, I don't like the philosophy they've been sold and what it's doing to the world.
MediumD said:

Hate rhetoric and name calling? I think branding an entire religion a "DEATH CULT" qualifies as some pretty good hate rhetoric and name calling in and of itself. Should I see such a thing, I will respond in kind.

Islam is, by and large, a death cult, and Calabrio (and others here) can prove it. Regardless, you should challenge him to back up his statement instead of attacking him personally, which reduces your own credibility. Moreover, getting personal with attacks that you can't prove is not acceptable on this forum.

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