MediumD said:
It boils down to this. Every religion has it's douchebags and it's good people. Every religion has teaching that are good for society and bad for society, teachings that are warlike and those that promote peace. And of course people are constantly changing how they interpret those teachings in the first place. You fail to see that, and condemn Islam.
No, that's is not what it boils down to.
It's undeniable that people can take anything and corrupt it. Or they can do things for selfish reasons under the guise it is motivated by a higher religious conviction. But you fail to see the distinctions between Islam and any other major world religion. And the sooner people like you realize it, the better we'll all be.
Islam shouldn't be called a religion. It is a death cult. It treats it's women like subhumans. It sanctions suicide bombings and the deliberate murder of innocent people for no other reason than they don't worship Mohammed. Everything about it runs counter to the notion of civilization.
Virtually every conflict in the world right now is the direct result of Islamic aggression and violence, including the genocide of Christians in the Sudan and they hope to engage in a genocide of the Jews in Israel.
This is a society that embraces death. It's been often said we'll have peace in the Middle East only when the Muslims love their children more than they love death.
Do you know ANYTHING about the religion? Do you know anything about the Mythology surrounding the founder? Mohammed was a warrior. A rapist. A killer. And a pedophile. Quite a striking contrast from Buddah, Jesus, or Moses.
But for a moment, I will assume you're right, and Islam is bad. What do you think we should do about it?
Can you tell me anything good about Islam? Can you tell me of any modern enlightened culture that is predominantly Muslim? Can you tell me any part of the world with a dominant Islamic population that is living peacefully?
Can you do anything to refute anything I've said? The best argument you've come up with is "well, FIVE HUNDRED years ago, Catholics were pretty bad too..." without even elaborating.
The Islamo-fascist trend in Islam isn't the deviation. That's the nature of the religion. Because you know of some Americanized Muslims who happen to enjoy color television and not having to worry about their daughters enduring female circumscion or being stoned to death if they get raped doesn't mean that they are true representatives of what the religion stands for.
Frankly, the entire idea that Islam could go through a reformation like the Catholic church did sounds virtually impossible, given the fundamental nature of the religion.
And I'm still amazed and shocked that you were angered upon learning that tens of thousands of American citizens were taken captive by the Islamic Barbary Coast pirates where they were almost all killed, either through inhumane treatment in a prison or while doing slave labor in Africa.
What needs to be done. We need to stop pretending it is a peaceful religion. We need to recognize the threat. We need to stop fighting a PC war, attempting to avoid offending our enemy. And we need to address it aggressively, through the use of force if necessary. Waiting only means they'll be better armed and wealthier, feeding off the $77/barrel oil we're buying.