Irans nuke program.

And if he is wrong, then what?

The bigger threat is a dirty bomb that gets into terrorists hands. I didn't see anything said about that (though maybe I missed it).

The fact is that Ahmadinejad has said he wants to wipe Israel off the map and Iran has VERY close ties to all the terrorist organizations in the Middle East.

Then he turns around and crafts statements meant for Western audiences saying he has no interest in nuclear weapons. Why should we believe him?

One of the big inconsistencies I have seen from a lot of the anti-war movement (whether Leftist, or Ron Paul supporters) is that they are willing to blindly trust Iran when they tell westerners what they want to hear but will not trust their own elected officials and "experts" here in America. While I can appreciate the idea that very few elected officials in America warranty must trust, they certainly deserve more then Ahmadinejad who is blatantly two-faced.

If Iran gets a nuke of any sort, then Pandora's box has been opened and there is no way to undo that. Considering their stated intentions toward Israel (derived from their religious views), I think it is VERY foolish to not take the threat seriously.
I think Ron Paul stated it well. There is a lot of propaganda out there about this just like there was before the invasion of Iraq. this fellow seems as qulified as any of them and has nothing to gain.
Propaganda is not a one way street.

There is also a lot of propaganda aimed at deceiving the West into thinking there is no nuke weapon program.

Why believe one set of propaganda but dismiss another? Simply ignoring propaganda on one side of the issue is a dodge. Is Ahmadinejad more credible then Western leaders? Why?
The video was not propaganda. Just the facts from one of the best knoledgable people about it. But I'm sure like everthing else you know more than him.
So, because they haven't yet built a nuclear weapon- they aren't going to?

Or, despite their stated goal of having these weapons and their pursuit of the technology to do so, do we just wait until they actually have the ability to create the weapons before we actually make a decision... there by leaving the world in the situation where they have to negotiate with a radical nuclear power, one that has doomsday types in power?

The issue of a nuclear power is causing anti-interventionists and isolationists to deceive themselves and deliberately act ignorantly.

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