I used the search engine

eek: a NEWBie

) and found a lot of references to strut bushings; very little about rear bushings. I also found out that
MN12 Performance closed their doors. I don't need the bolts, but the inverted pie-plate {E9SZ-5D001-A (upper retainer-4 required)} and the rubber part (more correctly the steel insert) will definitely need replaced on at least one corner. But that led me to another search discovery....
DLF, you're holding out on me - You seem to be the guy that MAKES replacements. I'm actually surprised and impressed that you didn't use that opportunity to drum up a little business. The pics I found of your bushings appear to show that they replace the bushing itself and the upper retainer. Yes/No?? Sooooo, what does a set of those run?
What about all the other rubber bushings in the IRS assembly ??? Are they obsolete too? I guess that would be upper and lower control arms (both ends), sway bar mounts (not end links) and the differential mounts. Did I miss any?
Sorry for the long post. IRS is a new ballgame to me.