Is California Anti-Patriotic?

Raped Ape

Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 17, 2011
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This really pisses me off, it is totally ridiculous and makes it look as if California is anti-patriotic. I further went online and read articles after articles of kids going to school and being suspended because they refuse to take off a American Flag shirt or they have a US Flag blowing in the wind on there bike. It is totally against all my believes and I for one will never go to California and spend 1 dollar in California. I am just fuming, I just saw this on Fox News and I about punched the wall.
wtf..The dress code in schools I can understand...kind of, but the rest is total BS!

bet it is ok to wear the rainbow flag?:eek::mad:
Well there is about 10 articles under Google within the last several months this year that kids are being suspended, one kid was expelled, and on kid had a small American flag strapped to his bike.

One kid had a US flag shirt on during celebration of cinco de mayo at school, personally I do not care what day or celebration it is, if I want to wear my flag in my country at my school which is located in my country, then so be it.

But for the Caltrans (DOT) of California to deny the monument paid by donations and none from the state is very anti-patriotic.

Just as CalTrans painted over that US Flag Murial on the highway on a flat piece of stone available to be seen bu all motorists. The team of men painted that right after 9-11, and then CalTrans says it is on state property, can not have.

Can you believe that the state of California can and did say that flying a US Flag shows a single act of personal expression. WTF?
Man, this really pisses me off.
Caltrans says the flag is a distraction to motorist because it is close to the highway.
Now, take a look at the picture below.
All this large electronic advertising is right on the Santa Ana freeway, and at night, they are blinding because they are so dammed bright.
Talk about a distraction to motorist..
It is all politics, and nothing more, besides being a disgrace to all those that died in all the wars to protect the freedom to display the flag.
This really sickens me.


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