Is it Christmas time again already? - I love Thomas Jefferson!

raVeneyes said:
Note carefully "no matter how correct or incorrect". It doesn't matter if the allegations are true or false...for either side..Democrat or Republican.

Translation: Win at all costs, no matter the damage to the country in time of war.
raVeneyes said:
Hey, I didn't say it was a good idea, or even good politics...I'm just saying that the history of the situation is that allegations of wrongdoing no matter how correct or incorrect will lower significantly the political power of the person who those allegations are leveled at.

This is called sliming in the jargon of the news world.

Note carefully "no matter how correct or incorrect". It doesn't matter if the allegations are true or false...for either side..Democrat or Republican.
YES it does matter if the allegations are True or False. If a person makes allegations against someone they had better be able to prove them or they leave their selves open to a law suit. There are more pressing concerns in this country than whether or not Bush should be impeached. Jefferson's Manual of Rules for the US House of Representitives - is a manual of Parliamentary Practice, i fail to see how State Legislatures can use this to start try and start impeachment process, when the manual is for the House of Representitives and not state legislatures.
raVeneyes said:
Hey, I didn't say it was a good idea, or even good politics....

Actually you did, in the title you chose for this thread:

"Is it Christmas time again already?"

You said it was a good idea.
Vitas said:
Actually you did, in the title you chose for this thread:

"Is it Christmas time again already?"

You said it was a good idea.

Heh, I love how you guys try to put words in my times...
pepperman said:
Jefferson's Manual of Rules for the US House of Representitives - is a manual of Parliamentary Practice, i fail to see how State Legislatures can use this to start try and start impeachment process, when the manual is for the House of Representitives and not state legislatures.
Actually the manual is for politicians...and the article explains the reason the State Legislatures can bring impeachment orders:

"Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual of the Rules of the United States House of Representatives, which allows federal impeachment proceedings to be initiated by joint resolution of a state legislature."

In point of fact it is "The Conservative Caucus" who first thought to use this Section as detailed in their page on impeaching Clinton found here:

There "Strategy" page details the process here


According to Section 603 of Jefferson's Manual, "there are various methods of setting an impeachment in motion": 1) By charges made on the floor by a member of the House; 2) By charges preferred by a memorial filed by a House member; 3) By charges contained in a Resolution introduced by a House member; 4) By a message from the President; 5) By charges transmitted by a State legislature, or a grand jury; 5) By facts developed and reported by an investigating committee of the House.

According to Section 604 of the Manual, "[a] direct proposition to impeach is a question of high privilege in the House and at once supersedes business otherwise in order under the rules governing the order of business." It does not lose its privilege just because "a similar proposition has been made at a previous time during the same session of Congress." On the other hand, "a resolution simply proposing an investigation, even though impeachment may be a possible consequence, is not privileged." Where, however, "a resolution of investigation positively proposes impeachment or suggests that end, it has been admitted as of privilege."

The evidence supporting an impeachment resolution or a memorial suggesting an impeachment investigation may be based upon a variety of sources, including "common fame." (Section 304) "Common fame" includes information contained in newspaper and other media reports, as well as rumors commonly circulated in the community. The evidence upon which a resolution or memorial is based need not, therefore, be of the kind admissible and sufficient to prove a case in a court of law.

Once an impeachment resolution has been introduced or "charges suggesting impeachment have been made by memorial," the House may order an investigation at once or refer the charges to a Committee for examination and, if the Committee deems it appropriate for an investigation. (Section 605) The Committee may be "a select committee" or a "standing" one. In some instances the Committee has made its "inquiry ex parte," but "in the later practice the sentiment of committees has been in favor of permitting the accused to explain, present witnesses, cross-examine and be represented by counsel." (Section 606)

The purpose of the Committee investigation is to determine if there is sufficient evidence to charge an impeachable offense. If there is, then each "accusation" is to be "exhibited" as an "Article of Impeachment" and, if approved by the full House, "carried to the bar of the Senate" for trial with the House assuming the role of prosecutor. (Section 609)"

So it looks as though really, the Republicans have been hoisted by their own petards.
raVeneyes said:
Heh, I love how you guys try to put words in my times...

You are the one that started this thread, you are the one that chose the title.

In point of fact, it was your first thread that you have posted in a very long time.

Your grand –lol- return.

YOU said it, but now you blame YOUR OWN words on someone else. HA HA HA

The only one trying to play, put, or distort YOUR OWN words is you.

You tell us.
Vitas said:
The only one trying to play, put, or distort YOUR OWN words is you.
Oh how sour grapes can you get?

Asking if it's "Christmas Time"...a time for nothing like saying it was good politics or a good idea. Actually I think of it as a present specifically *because* it's not necessarily a good idea or good politics. It is a gift from those bold enough to challenge the President who would be King...and I find it amusing that you have attempted as always to spin my words.

When will you learn that your spin is meaningless and of less value than the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe?
raVeneyes said:
Oh how sour grapes can you get?

Asking if it's "Christmas Time"...a time for nothing like saying it was good politics or a good idea. Actually I think of it as a present specifically *because* it's not necessarily a good idea or good politics. It is a gift from those bold enough to challenge the President who would be King...and I find it amusing that you have attempted as always to spin my words.

When will you learn that your spin is meaningless and of less value than the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe?

You started the thread, you chose the title.

You can take the gum and "place" it. Understand?
Vitas said:
You started the thread, you chose the title.

You can take the gum and "place" it. Understand?

So I'll remember the next time someone wishes me a "Merry Christmas" they actually mean I had a good idea.


You are a funny funny man. :D
raVeneyes said:
So I'll remember the next time someone wishes me a "Merry Christmas" they actually mean I had a good idea.


You are a funny funny man. :D

So far, since your return, you have said -zero-.

Par for your course.

It is your title for this thread, simply explain why you presented it, and then denied it.

You REALLY should be working for the DNC!
raVeneyes said:
Oh how sour grapes can you get?

Asking if it's "Christmas Time"...a time for nothing like saying it was good politics or a good idea. Actually I think of it as a present specifically *because* it's not necessarily a good idea or good politics. It is a gift from those bold enough to challenge the President who would be King...and I find it amusing that you have attempted as always to spin my words.

When will you learn that your spin is meaningless and of less value than the gum stuck on the bottom of my shoe?

LOL look at you wriggle on the hook, little worm. Nice try tapdancing your way out of this. How embarrassing it must be for you, to be cornered by Vitas. But then again, you're pretty much a logical lightweight anyway.

Admit it, you WANT Bush impeached, you HATE Bush, you HATE Conservatives.

You know you want to say it.

Go ahead. I give you permission, chickensh!t.
Vitas said:
So far, since your return, you have said -zero-.

Actually, for once, you're quite correct. I am trying to be truly fair and balanced. Just reporting the issues, and explaining them, and not offering my personal opinion on them...
raVeneyes said:
Actually, for once, you're quite correct. I am trying to be truly fair and balanced. Just reporting the issues, and explaining them, and not offering my personal opinion on them...

:bowrofl: He was referring to your substance, not your slant.

Am I right, Vitas?
So I hope everyone has enjoyed their popcorn and the drama of the political forums. Tune in next week to find out what leftist point of view raVeneyes will spout and what right wing rebuttal Vitas and fossten will glue together...
See Raveneyes talk to himself and admitting he's a leftist.
raVeneyes said:
Actually, for once, you're quite correct. I am trying to be truly fair and balanced. Just reporting the issues, and explaining them, and not offering my personal opinion on them...

You know, you REALLY made me believe that it was in fact possible to have civil conversations among all sides...

raVeneyes said:
So I hope everyone has enjoyed their popcorn and the drama of the political forums. Tune in next week to find out what leftist point of view raVeneyes will spout and what right wing rebuttal Vitas and fossten will glue together...

...and then you blew it.
Vitas said:
You know, you REALLY made me believe that it was in fact possible to have civil conversations among all sides...

...and then you blew it.

I'm sorry Vitas, I did intend it as a joke, hence why I lampooned myself... I really am trying to be fair to both sides of issues.

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