Is it worth it?????

Nell Mac 4621

New LVC Member
Jan 15, 2009
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I have 94 Continental I love the car had the car for about 6 month she had problems but now she need a lot of work. I'm about to start getting some of the work done to it but is it worth all this time and money to put into it or just get another ride? I already change the rear air shock to struts now its time for the front. But all the other problem just happened at the same time
Exhaust leak
Windshield wipers freeze when in motion
Ball joints
Motor Mount
Rear window off track and needs a motor
And the big ONE I need a heater core

Please Help.......:eek:
ok, its a 15-16 year old car (depending on build date)..

many of the items you have changed, and need to change now, fail in that time frame..

in the end, resale value will NOT be affected that much by the repairs.

Biggest thing to think of is when all these things are fixed, you still will have a decent car, with (presumably) NO car payments..

All of these repairs you list CAN be done by the backyard mechanic, but some of them are VERY involved (not hard, just a lot of stuff to do, especially for the heater core).

Dont replace the starter without describing the symptoms first.. ford's PM starters (like the conti uses), are EASILY rebuilt in your garage (as long as the magnets are not broken).. NO special tools needed, and the parts are probably less than 50 bucks.

its really up to you, and if YOU feel that the expense is worth it in the long run.
Well I love the car and i already got a few dollars in to the car (Tint,Rims,System). The body is in great shape and when she's on the road she always turns heads and I already got the shocks and the starter. I will put the time in to get her back on the road it will just take a little time.

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