Is it worthwhile to clean the surface rust on used Cobra headers??


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 4, 2010
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Franklin Park
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Check it out. So this past weekend I purchased some Cobra exhaust headers/manifolds for real cheap. I'm not certain if I want them on the K4 or the BA, but in any event, the purchase came with some Bassani manifold pipes and some short pipes as well. The pipes are 2½", have the O2 sensor fittings on them and are clean(probably never used or if so then it wasn't for long). The manifolds themselves on the other hand are covered in surface rust as shown in this pic....


.... so I'm wondering if cleaning them for vanity sake is the way to go or if I should just leave em be as they'll probably end up looking all Orange again in no time due to the weather here in Chicago.

Also, if a little spic & span happens to be in order, then what would be the best way to clean 'em? Someone from work suggested spraying them with some type of degreaser and putting a wire wheel to it.

Anything else yous can think of that might be relevant would be great.

unless you coat them with a high heat resistant material, no, not much point.
and even if you do... meh.
Just refinished my dads old headers from his car..used a wire wheel and some sand paper to get the surface rust off and shot it with a few coats if VHT black high temp header good reviews about so i thought why not give it a try..cant look any worse. The finish is nice after spraying it..we'll see how long it lasts.
I just tried some Rust-olem rust remover-gel. Only did a few small items, but it worked well. Some good high heat paint,clear, will keep them looking good for a long time, unless you like rust.

Here's a method I've been using with much success regarding rust and oxidation control. I hate rust as much as the next guy but if the factory did not put zinc coating on any parts under the car, it will eventually rust.

I've been using Eastwoods Fast Etch rust dissolver which leaves a zinc phosphor coating on the metal. Its easy to use. Just brush away any surface rust and dunk the part in the solution for about thirty minutes or whenever visible rust has been dissolved. After the part has dried, it wil leave a dull gray color that can be primered for paint application.

I've used it on my own rusted out tools, disk brakes, bolts of all sizes, car parts, metal brackets and seat frames from one of my projects.
You can probably get them properly sand blasted for cheap. Then paint them with a few coats of VHT Header Paint. Or just have them ceramic coated. May local powder coaters in Chicago also do ceramic coatings. Wether or not to refinish them depends on if you want them to look nice.

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