Is There A Trial Lawyer In The House?

Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
A good arguement is very stimulating.
I remember demolishing an anti Reagan
panel during a debate at a university in 1984
regarding the nuclear buildup at that time.
Having parents who came from eastern
europe who escaped the tyranny of Soviet
Communism gave me a greater insight and passion
regarding that reality.
They were pacifists who wanted to disarm as an olive
branch and I argued that Communists only respected
strength and will and that Reagan policies would bankrupt
the Russians as their system was an abysmal economic failure
and there was no way they could keep up and MAD would
keep them from launching a first strike.
After the debate was over I felt surprised these people wanted
to be friends with me and discuss things further.
I was only 25 at the time but age and time have taught me
that opposites really do attract like a magnet and people can genuinely step outside of their convictions because who really knows everything.
Politics makes for strange bedfellows.
A good arguement is very stimulating.
I remember demolishing an anti Reagan
panel during a debate at a university in 1984
regarding the nuclear buildup at that time.
Having parents who came from eastern
europe who escaped the tyranny of Soviet
Communism gave me a greater insight and passion
regarding that reality.
They were pacifists who wanted to disarm as an olive
branch and I argued that Communists only respected
strength and will and that Reagan policies would bankrupt
the Russians as their system was an abysmal economic failure
and there was no way they could keep up and MAD would
keep them from launching a first strike.
After the debate was over I felt surprised these people wanted
to be friends with me and discuss things further.
I was only 25 at the time but age and time have taught me
that opposites really do attract like a magnet and people can genuinely step outside of their convictions because who really knows everything.

Very true...

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