Is this a scam??

So did u buy it? I was wondering if it was real or not?
If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck... I think it stinks to high heaven, and I'll stay far, far away from it.
The winner of this bid will recieve access to a private site that sells E-books where you are guarenteed this item or a plethera of other car monitor/DVD players for SUPER LOW prices!!! This is NOT a scam, it really works!! I recieved my unit and now I have the coolest car around!! If having a super cool car isn't your thing, then once you receive your gift just sell it on eBay for more than TEN TIMES what you paid for it!!! Don't miss out!! HUGE PROFIT!!!
Note the big key phrase common to all scams: This is NOT a scam.

Trust your instincts; if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Its BULL. ive tried several of these e books and never gotten :q:q:q:q. I have a huge list that i used to sell on ebay but then after i realized they didnt work i wasnt about to scam others and have them throw theyre money away. if anyone wants these lists. send you email and ill send it to you, but what ever you do DO NOT DO THESE SCAMS.
Thanks Guys/Gal

I had the idea yeah it's only five bucks, but I hate scams so that's why I asked thanks for the info.
nashmage said:
Its only 5 bucks i guess its worth a shot.

And they figure enough people will have this thought and send their 5 bucks, but won't come after them for a refund when they find out it's a scam.
If they can't spell "plethora," in their item description, I'd give it a bit of thought before I comitted dime one to them. To me, it smells like a male bovine creature deposited a bit of fecal matter, but hey...


--The Clown to the Left

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