is your car seasonal...winter...


Active LVC Member
Dec 6, 2006
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The W.
well since it has start snowing and the temps have dropped past freezing it seems my car drives different.. i had my steering rack replaced because of that squeek everyone knows about, this was about half a year the last couple start-ups i have been hearing the squeek quite often. which also sucks is my car is out of warranty so most likely to check it out wont be free
Ours is seasonal, as in when winter hits, it doesn't move. It's like a hog on ice, so it gets the luxury of sitting in a heated garage all winter and not moving unless the streets are 100% clear.
I'm from northern MN, and learned to drive with RWD vehicles. This isn't impossible to drive in the snow, you just have to adjust your driving style. 300 pounds of something in the trunk, along with some snow tires, works okay too.
^^ I agree. The LS is not too difficult to drive in the snow. The weight distribution makes it much easier than any (2wd) truck. Unfortunately I have no other vehicle to drive so the LS must step up to those demands. The only trouble I have had (albeit minor) was getting out of certain parking spaces with ice on the ground and coming to a stop on an incline and getting her moving again. Both hurdles were overcome without too much trouble. A little wheel spin in the snow and my neighbor helped me push it out of my parking space (the space was flat but with ice under the rear tires she needed a little help).
Bearings, bushings, belts seem to make more noise when it's 10 - 20 degree's out. Unless it's a god awful loud noise, I wouldn't worry to much about it. My truck drive alot stiffer when it's real cold out.
First winter with 03 V8 and i was worrried about my wife driving RWD v8, however once i drove it in the first big snowfall i have no worries. The LS traction control along with the hankook ice bears is the best winter handling car i have drove.
I drive mine year round. Doesn't go very well with the Falkens in the snow, but such is life. Luckily I don't NEED to drive anywhere much.

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