Well-Known LVC Member
raVeneyes said:You guys are so delusional that it's impossible to have a civilized discussion with you.
Are you people not able to read????
The French have a policy of non-acceptance!!! NON ACCEPTANCE!!!
They didn't put the islamic community in to little territories and attempt multiculturalism, they have a policy of not allowing people to practice their culture which pushed the islamic community in to tight, ghetto like, communities that were formed to keep the cultural identity of those being denied their cultural freedom. The French didn't make those communities, the communities were made as a by product of French conservatism!!!
F*CK It! If you want to be deluded and think that your back patting self aggrandizing makes any difference go ahead. The reality is that people like you will be left behind or marginalized because of your lack of ability to change and grow.
OK, I am going to try this one more time.
The Muslim community is not forced to live in their enclaves by evil French Conservatives. They CHOOSE to live apart from the "infidels." They CHOOSE not to learn the language or participate in the society. That's the PROBLEM.
And as far as my "growing"... not that it's any of your business, but I know this not because I read an article, but because since about the morning of Sept. 12, 2001 until I retired this past July, I actually went to Europe, and Asia, and discussed these very issues with the people facing them: Judges, prosecutors, intelligence officers, investigators, heads of ministry. This was my JOB.
How silly of me to try to learn about something by actually going there, talking to people, gathering actual facts, and teaching classes, when I could have "grown" by listening to babble about mulitculturalism.
Here's a couple of paragraphs lifted from Victor Davis Hanson, senior Fellow at the Hoover Institute that explain it more eloquently than I can: (they were written several months ago, but eerily predict the current problems in France)
The Netherlands was a litmus test for Europe. Unlike Spain or Greece, which had historical grievances against Islam, the Dutch were the avatars of the new liberal Europe, without historical baggage. They were eager to unshackle Europe from the Church, from its class and gender constraints, and from any whiff of its racist or colonialist past. True, for a variety of reasons, Amsterdam may be a case study of how wrong Rousseau was about natural man, but for a Muslim immigrant the country was about as hospitable a foreign host as one can imagine. Thus, it was far safer for radical Islamic fascists to damn the West openly from a mosque in Rotterdam than for a moderate Christian to quietly worship in a church in Saudi Arabia, Iran, or Algeria. And yet we learn not just that the Netherlands has fostered a radical sect of Muslims who will kill and bomb, but, far more importantly, that they will do so after years of residency among, and indeed in utter contempt of, their Western hosts.
Things are no less humiliating — or dangerous — in France. Thousands of unassimilated Muslims mock French society. Yet their fury shapes its foreign policy to the degree that Jacques Chirac sent a government plane to sweep up a dying Arafat. But then what do we expect from a country that enriched Hamas, let Mrs. Arafat spend her husband's embezzled millions under its nose, gave Khomeini the sanctuary needed to destroy Iran, sold a nuclear reactor to Saddam, is at the heart of the Oil-for-Food scandal, and revs up the Muslim world against the United States?
Only now are Europeans discovering the disturbing nature of radical Islamic extremism, which thrives not on real grievance but on perceived hurts — and the appeasement of its purported oppressors. How odd that tens of millions of Muslims flocked to Europe for its material consumption, superior standard of living, and freedom and tolerance — and then chose not merely to remain in enclaves but to romanticize all the old pathologies that they had fled from in the first place. It is almost as if the killers in Amsterdam said, "I want your cell phones, unfettered Internet access, and free-spirited girls, but hate the very system that alone can create them all. So please let me stay here to destroy what I want."