Issue while braking last night


Active LVC Member
Jun 22, 2012
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Tullahoma, TN
So last night I was on my way to the store when a car was turning into there drive so when I went to brake it started braking just fine, but when I pressed down more all of a sudden it started vibrating and went to the floor. Kinda scared me a bit.

Now shoot back about 2 hours before that, I had a fire call that I responded too it braked fine during the response. And on my way home it sounded like there was a little whine in my front passenger tire when I started braking. Didn't think anything of it. It just whined once at about 5mph till I stopped. It is not doing it anymore.

At the moment the brakes work fine even when I brake hard. Any ideas?

I recently went to the dealership and got my oil changed and tires rotated. My tires need to be replaced, but does this sound like a tire issue or more of a brake issue?
that happened to me too when i had bald tires, it didnt grip the ground so it hesitated, felt like a jerking motion
But wouldn't it constantly do it every time I brake hard? and what about the whine?

No, only when you lose traction. It's the ABS kicking in to stop that wheel from sliding.
didnt happen to me all the time , certain times , also depends on how bald tires the are , mine were pretty bad in certain areas so if it ever landed on that area it would slip

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