LVC Member
I just bought this new key fob/key off of eBay for $20

The fob programmed easily. Lock, unlock, trunk and panic work fine. The key will not, however turn the car on. I put my first key in the ignition and turned it to the on position for 3 seconds and then did the same with my second key and another time with the new key as the programming procedure states, but no matter how many times i do this, the new key will not start the car. Anybody know a solution to this besides trying a new key?

The fob programmed easily. Lock, unlock, trunk and panic work fine. The key will not, however turn the car on. I put my first key in the ignition and turned it to the on position for 3 seconds and then did the same with my second key and another time with the new key as the programming procedure states, but no matter how many times i do this, the new key will not start the car. Anybody know a solution to this besides trying a new key?