Issues programming PATS key


LVC Member
Jul 23, 2011
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I just bought this new key fob/key off of eBay for $20
The fob programmed easily. Lock, unlock, trunk and panic work fine. The key will not, however turn the car on. I put my first key in the ignition and turned it to the on position for 3 seconds and then did the same with my second key and another time with the new key as the programming procedure states, but no matter how many times i do this, the new key will not start the car. Anybody know a solution to this besides trying a new key?

insert key one and turn it to the IGN/run position (dont start)

after the PATS light goes off, quickly remove key one, insert key two and turn key two the the IGN/run position. (dont start)

after the PATS light goes off, quickly remove key two, insert key three (new unprogrammed key) and start the car with it.

if that dont do it, then you probably have a bad key, one of you original keys could also be a cloned key, and not a different correctly coded key. this will not allow you to program new keys and the car thinks your just inserting the same key one each of the first two steps...
The dealership has to program new keys, there are no exception to this. No workarounds of any sort. This is truly one of those dealer only situations.
insert key one and turn it to the IGN/run position (dont start)

after the PATS light goes off, quickly remove key one, insert key two and turn key two the the IGN/run position. (dont start)

after the PATS light goes off, quickly remove key two, insert key three (new unprogrammed key) and start the car with it.

I may stand corrected.

So I can by the key that flips out, after all.
The dealership has to program new keys, there are no exception to this. No workarounds of any sort. This is truly one of those dealer only situations.

you are mistaken, only dealers can program 1st gen fobs (or a person with the proper scan tool)

2nd gen fobs can be self programmed.

all LSs can program more keys if they have two different properly coded keys. (or also proper scan tool)
So I can by the key that flips out, after all.

you can buy the key, program the transponder if you have two other keys, program the transmitter if you have a 2nd gen. and then, if youre lucky, your will last longer than what most peoples do, some never have problems but a lot have broken with in months...
I did the procedure 1LoudLS stated and nothing works. I have a "cloned key" like he said. I might go to the dealer and see if they can make anything happen for cheap.
expect it to cost between $45 and $65...

hopefully they might cut you a deal, also if you don't have the master code for the keypad on the door, that is a great time to have them give it to you.
The dealership has to program new keys, there are no exception to this. No workarounds of any sort. This is truly one of those dealer only situations.

I know you are trying to help, but this is not at all true.
I know you are trying to help, but this is not at all true.

I see in his case didn't know he was speaking on the gen 2 , i have a Gen 1 so I went off the info of mines. Makes me think i should have gotten a gen 2 lol you guys get to have all the fun.
I see in his case didn't know he was speaking on the gen 2 , i have a Gen 1 so I went off the info of mines. Makes me think i should have gotten a gen 2 lol you guys get to have all the fun.

That's still not true for gen I either. You can program in new keys on a gen I yourself, as long as you already have two (non-cloned) working keys!
It's only remotes that you can't self program on gen I.
That's still not true for gen I either. You can program in new keys on a gen I yourself, as long as you already have two (non-cloned) working keys!
It's only remotes that you can't self program on gen I.

O ok thanks Joegr.
Makes me think i should have gotten a gen 2 lol you guys get to have all the fun.

this is always the case! after owning both generations, I would never buy another 1st gen, there are just too many things that were changed with the new generation that just makes the car sooo much better. there were so many thing that just drive me crazy with my 00 that I'm so glad they fixed with the 03!

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